New insta 360 action camera inbound


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2013
Reaction score
Dash Cam
10 years, many dashcams
Should launch November 21.

Cannot tell anything from that video...
Right, best I can tell is it's some kind of 'exploding' camera from Leica. ;)
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There is a " AI" hint at the very start / thumbnail, but yeah other than that we will just have to wait and see.
"AI" - the new marketing buzzword that is meaningless in real life when it comes to product functionality. :banghead:
There is a " AI" hint at the very start / thumbnail, but yeah other than that we will just have to wait and see.
Video quality is what it comes down to at the end of the day.

Plenty of phone manufacturers like touting their relationships with Leica or Zeiss or Hasselblad, but a lot of times that doesn't mean anything when the end result isn't that great.

Was funny to see how the other cameras smashing into each other was a dig at the competitors, like it mentioned in the article ;)
Yeah i noticed that about phone cameras, while i hate phones the geek within still compel me to keep taps on things

I was at the doctor Friday, and bloody close he sent me directly to the hospital, my blood pressure so high he had to measure it 5 times before he believed his eyes. ( 4 times with electrical automatic device and 1 time with old school setup )
Now that i am on pressure lowering meds my intense headaches when i lie in bed trying desperate to fall asleep have also passed, well at least today, but night before yesterday also saw a drop in headache even if i just taken one pill in the evening.

I still have 3 doctors appointments lined up, first one on Tuesday, and i need to make a 4 one with another doc as my doc wrongly think i might have sleep apnoea, but that's not it, the reason i spend hours on end not sleeping in bed is my damn brain will not stop coughing up all kinds of old stuff.

One bad thing, the doc refused to provide me with stronger painkillers which i do need about once every month on average, fortunately my friend are loaded on those, the problem is his are a bit stronger than what i asked for at my doc.
My friends doc amazed he do not get a new prescription for the strong painkillers every month, CUZ his arthritis are that bad, but my friend like me do not like eating pills, and while we both have extensive experience in being hammered on something, my friend do not like sitting drooling in front of his TV CUZ that's how strong he say his painkillers are.

Me. Well then the back really go out, i will be willing to do anything, fortunately that is still a rare thing for me, i prefer to go easy and not overdo it, the problem just are some times lying in my bed is overdoing it.
Yeah i noticed that about phone cameras, while i hate phones the geek within still compel me to keep taps on things

I was at the doctor Friday, and bloody close he sent me directly to the hospital, my blood pressure so high he had to measure it 5 times before he believed his eyes. ( 4 times with electrical automatic device and 1 time with old school setup )
Now that i am on pressure lowering meds my intense headaches when i lie in bed trying desperate to fall asleep have also passed, well at least today, but night before yesterday also saw a drop in headache even if i just taken one pill in the evening.

I still have 3 doctors appointments lined up, first one on Tuesday, and i need to make a 4 one with another doc as my doc wrongly think i might have sleep apnoea, but that's not it, the reason i spend hours on end not sleeping in bed is my damn brain will not stop coughing up all kinds of old stuff.

One bad thing, the doc refused to provide me with stronger painkillers which i do need about once every month on average, fortunately my friend are loaded on those, the problem is his are a bit stronger than what i asked for at my doc.
My friends doc amazed he do not get a new prescription for the strong painkillers every month, CUZ his arthritis are that bad, but my friend like me do not like eating pills, and while we both have extensive experience in being hammered on something, my friend do not like sitting drooling in front of his TV CUZ that's how strong he say his painkillers are.

Me. Well then the back really go out, i will be willing to do anything, fortunately that is still a rare thing for me, i prefer to go easy and not overdo it, the problem just are some times lying in my bed is overdoing it.
Sorry no offence but do you have some friends and family to talk about this with? I've noticed you go off-tangent a lot lately.
Hehe O i am a world leader in going off topic, it is actually a lot less than it could be CUZ im aware and i try to limit it, my brain get sidetracked very easy, well at least here on the interweb, and the 3 fingers i type with are right behind it.
IRL talking to me can also be frustrating, i sidetrack easy, and what annoy many people, i dont really look at the people i talk to.

On friends and family, well i have 1 friend, and the family i see somewhat regular is just my father and mother and my kid sister and a few of her kids, the internet is where i do best with other people as what i call my BS filter work here, where as in real life i have about 0 tolerance for BS or small talk.
Mind you aside for my friend and my mother, the other ones, well its not even on a monthly basis i see them, i would like to, but they dont seem very interested in old brother / uncle, unless they need something done, then i am the first one they call.
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The AI de noiser ASO working under low light are a little interesting i think, we could probably use something like that in dashcams.

Used as " dash " camera at night.

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I compared the Insta360 Ace Pro with the A229 Pro, both are 4K 30fps with HDR enabled.
I love it when you post test footage from non-Viofo cameras.
Can you upload the video clips to your secret YouTube channel?
I compared the Insta360 Ace Pro with the A229 Pro, both are 4K 30fps with HDR enabled.
Now you just need to take the protective sticker off the lens of the Insta360.
Just kidding. lol

A229 Pro 1 .png
Insta360 Ace Pro 1 .png
A229 Pro 2 .png
Insta360 Ace Pro 2 .png
I love it when you post test footage from non-Viofo cameras.
Can you upload the video clips to your secret YouTube channel?
I will upload the video comparison tomorrow.

The camera setup is as below.
The camera setup is as below.
Is that the 6 Meter Rear camera cable wrapped around the rear view mirror?
If so, that's why I requested 1 Meter "short" for the rear camera. lol
So we can mount the rear camera on the same window as the front / main camera.
The 1 meter cable will come in handy if you ever make a telephoto option with the rear camera input.
I am exited about the Ace pro, sadly not something i could spend money on even if i have it, CUZ i use a action camera like 5 minutes every 6 months, so thats a lot of money for very little use.
Better to spend that kind of money on a viofo dashcam then

I do think if insta 360 wanted to, they could make one hell of a dashcam. But of course they would have to think outside of their action camera box-

Viofo picture of mopeds and cyclists in crosswalk, that is highly illegal here, it is not a place for such things. The fine is a little over 100 Dollars.
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