Newbie questions


New Member
Apr 14, 2014
Reaction score
New Mexico
United States
Hi everybody. I recently ordered a G1W and while I'm waiting for it to arrive I have a couple of questions.
Let's say someone runs a stop sign and we have a fender bender. What is the recommended procedure to follow? Do I tell the other driver about my dash cam? Do I tell the police when they arrive? Or do I wait until I have a chance to review the footage?

I did a brief search and couldn't find a "What to do if you're in an accident" thread, but I get the impression I should keep my mouth shut while at the scene.

Also, just out of curiosity, why the stealthy approach to camera placement? I fully intend to black out the silver lens ring on the G1W when I get it, I was just wondering what specifically is the reasoning for doing so.

Sorry if these questions seem naive, or they've been answered elsewhere- and thanks in advance for your help!
I wouldent tell about cam, just let the other guy lie to his Insurance Company or the police on site. ( dig his own grave )
Just submit your claim / stuff to your Insurance company and add footage for documentation, then they can fight it out with the other part ( that is allso what you pay them for )

Thats what i would do here in Little overprotected Denmark :D

In regards to stealth, i want it cuz i leave my camera in the car all the time, and i do not want some Eastern European "visitor" to take my expensive camera.

Allso it seem like many ppl have a dislike to be filmed when they behave stupid in public, this i cant undestand myself when you take into account what ppl post on social medias.

But i assume its okay to display your own mistakes on the web, but there will be hell to pay if other ppl display your faults and stupid stunts.

I am so glad this interweb stuff wasent invented when i was a kid, i too would have been stupid enuff too and post Pictures of the stuff we made back then.
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unless its your fault never ever tell other drivers its your weapon i have had 3 very severe accidents and now got one so god forbid i have another im giving it to my lawyer i dont play insurance i play the new American slogan sue your lol

and the law doesn't require you to disclose it to anyone if you dont want to but if not suing show the cops puts like above nails in there coffin but the above goes for every country and if you only show insurance rates wont go up possibly a discount now they know you have one

but its also double edged you now have to watch you stay spaced all the fun rules we broke before we got these man that means no more brake checking im gonna cry that was my fav o hey rodent lol
In regards to stealth, i want it cuz i leave my camera in the car all the time, and i do not want some Eastern European "visitor" to take my expensive camera.

Ahh, you get them as well? At least there visiting Denmark, once there here, there here for good!
hey these useless crap battery's will they explode or damage anything in the heat and cold

bloody thing is always on car power so you get record when the car starts never uses the stupid batteries

Ahh, you get them as well? At least there visiting Denmark, once there here, there here for good!

Eastern European "visitors", as well as other "non-Easterns" usually have enough respect for themself to not to go for cheap G1W-priced dashcams ;)
Thanks for the replies everybody. And thanks, niko, for pointing out another advantage of the G1W- thieves won't bother breaking into my car for it! ;)
the G1W- thieves won't bother breaking into my car for it!

I wouldn't depend on thieves being highly knowledgeable, passing up a "measly" ~$50 device, or making well-reasoned decisions based off rigorous cost-benefit analysis. (Even car mechanics in USA have no knowledge at all about dash cams.) There are people that have their cars broken into with nothing taken (because there was nothing to take); there doesn't have to be a highly visible and tempting object to goad a thief into breaking a window and rummaging briefly through your car. The thief could simply feel that he has a safe opportunity to break into your car, but a tempting visible object does greatly elevate the chances of theft.

My Lukas LK-7900 ACE is somewhat discrete, and almost all the time I leave it mounted in my car. If I'm at a place where I feel an elevated risk of thievery, it's easy enough to slide the Lukas out of the mount and put it under a towel that is the same color as my car seats. I lead my life such that I am rarely exposed to elevated risk of being the victim of a crime.
Oh, I know- I was making a joke based on niko's comment. I've heard reports of people breaking into cars for the spare change in the cup holder.
As I said, I intend to black out the highly visible silver ring around the lens of the G1W.

I live in a suburb of Albuquerque with a low crime rate. I'll probably leave the unit in the car most of the time. When I'm in ABQ I'll make my decision based on where I'm parking the car. For example, there's a second-run movie theater that has frequent break-ins (the thieves know people will be gone for two hours). In fact, I had a stereo stolen from my vehicle while watching a movie there several years ago.
I leave my ~$500 dollar radar detector in my car all the time, never has it caused any issues. My car's also a pretty nice car ('12 Acura TL). I go to a university in a city w/ an extremely high crime rate, and I park on the streets at least 1-2 times a week for lunch/dinner. Been doing that for the past 4 years and so far it's been okay *knocks on wood*.

Hopefully when I add my camera it's still alright!
I wouldn't disclose you have a dash cam unless absolutely necessary at the scene of an accident. All you need to give it to is your insurance company.

Also, you don't want to show any more footage than what you need to show. Just in case you've done something you shouldn't have just before an accident.
