Next Viofo Cam

As for you, the notion of a lens type for the UK/EU and another for the US is simply daft.

Don't take this as a personal attack because it isn't, but it seems to be you primarily (and maybe some other US drivers) who have an objection in principle to the notion of having a narrower lens to help improve number plate capture. You complain it's daft, but is it any dafter than losing resolution on plates because you have a lens that's wider than it needs to be, especially on narrower EU roads? What makes the US the great dictator of standards?

That's why I suggested that a solution might be for manufacturers to have EU and US models, (or simply 2 lens choices if you prefer to look at it that way), so that each model could take into account the wider / narrower roads and junctions in each region. I don't see why the EU should suffer with ridiculously wide lenses because the US has wider roads / junctions. In that scenario, it's more sensible to offer 2 models that way if an EU citizen wanted a wider view they could have it. In fact isn't that what Mobius did with the A and B lenses? Two FOV choices?

Anyway, in your example of a 4 way crossroads above you said, "If the camera shows you were green and someone comes from the side and hits you, then that's enough to show you were in the right, they were in the wrong." You are ignoring that there are hundreds, perhaps thousands of other possible driving mishap scenarios one needs to be able to record that would be missed if you have too narrow a view and no hood (bonnet) in the image. Someone failing to stop for a red traffic light or stop sign at a 4 way is merely one of them.

I never said no hood. I said all you need is the hood and a few feet either side to record the impact from a 3/4 collision. If you want an all round view, you need cameras all round. Even the widest lens won't capture anything behind the windscreen because even 180 degree FOV can only see in front of the camera's mounting position. Classic example of a pure side impact vs a wide angle dashcam:

The collision is not captured because it's behind the mounted position. That said, even that would be enough evidence if higher resolution because the camera has captured the collision noise, the spin, and coming out of the spin it clearly shows the car that hit you coming to a stop complete with it's damage. Equally given you were driving straight and steady within your lane, it could only have been his fault. The only issue here is the really low resolution. That's more than enough evidence to prove on the balance of probabilities it was his car that hit you and he was at fault.
I never said that. I said that 4 way STOPS would be barmy HERE. We have crossroads everywhere. Nearly always one main road has priority and the two side roads have to give way - except where there are traffic lights.

Having 4 way stops would just break the system. Keep things simple and consistent, and people learn the system easily and can drive safely without too much effort. Having alternative ways of doing the same thing just confuses and stresses people. The 4 way give way junctions I mentioned before are a good example. They work in EXACTLY the same way as a mini roundabout, which we have lots of, but some some road planner had to try and be "clever."

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You said, ""it just doesn't fit in with our way of doing things. But councils love their barmy experiments. I bet there's a 4-way stop somewhere."

I took that to mean your general disapproval of 4 way intersections. I wasn't ascribing it to place or necessarily your local governments.

However you may have meant it @Rajagra , my comment was to @c4rc4m who took it that I was referring to him.
Yep, in that example there's no hood visible, but neither do we know where it's been mounted or on what car.

I'm tired of this discussion and have been for a while. It's a pity it's taken place in the Viofo thread, maybe the moderators can separate it out into a separate no brand specific lens discussion thread.

Simply, the higher quality the lens, the better the picture, and with dashcams generally, there's room for improvement in my opinion.

FOV - A narrower view helps with detail, but has to be compromised against total view. It's quite clear there are differences I hold my hands up and admit I hadn't appreciated between US and EU roads that might require different fov's. As for the best fov, the only way to truly establish that is with side by side physical testing of different lenses. Most of us have had the usual cams ranging from 140-170 degrees or so in our cars, but how many have actually trialled these back to back against much narrower angles? I'm guessing unless someone has had an A lens Mobius to hand.... I do seem to remember reading somewhere that someone said they found the A lens better as a dashcam. Only real way is for a back to back fov test on both EU and US roads. Edit: I found an A (87 degree?) vs B (135 degree?) lens test. Both look acceptable to me although there may be an element of personal opinion as to which angle delivers enough fov:

As for the Viofo, the camera looks nice and 120 degrees seems to be a good compromise, not as wide as many, but not narrow either. Only trial and feedback will tell as to whether a narrower angle could be used in some regions or if 120 degrees is spot on. I for one look forward to the feedback and thank Viofo for being bold enough to try a slightly narrower than usual angle.
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OK I will try out and see if there is any different to Viofo own app.

What is the exact VIOFO Android app name... I will try that for comparison as well.
I searched for "viofo" in Google Play and found the app called.."Viofo". It has the picture of WR1 and the current version is 1.2.
It works fine on Android 7.0 to set the WR1. Many thanks to Bill @viofo and their Romanian retailer.
Hi. I am not 100% sure but I think when I turned the phone to landscape the Viofo app live view turned to landscape as well.
Is anyone who has purchased a WR1 recently going to be putting up some more Video to take a look at?

Day/Dusk/Night would be good :D
I returned mine because it had an audio problem, some kind of pulsing noise and i didn't want a replacement because it turns out that wifi is not my thing, it takes ages to download a 3 min video. The main reason i dont like wr1 is because it saves the video as .mov files wich dont get along with stock samsung smartphone video player and editor. I'm used to take out the card from my A119 and put it my smartphone, one 3 min clip takes several seconds to copy and you can play .mp4 files directly with samsung stock player and cut it/edit directly from the stock samsung app without searching and buying other apps.
All of that beiing said, wr1 has some pro's, very small and nice form factor, viofo app is very simple and easy to use and most of all i was impressed by the video quality wich was enough for me, not far from my a119 and i would have got a wr1 replacement if video files were saved as mp4 :)
To end this i would say that the only thing wr1 needs is a cpl filter.
Yep, in that example there's no hood visible, but neither do we know where it's been mounted or on what car.

I'm tired of this discussion and have been for a while. It's a pity it's taken place in the Viofo thread, maybe the moderators can separate it out into a separate no brand specific lens discussion thread.

Simply, the higher quality the lens, the better the picture, and with dashcams generally, there's room for improvement in my opinion.

FOV - A narrower view helps with detail, but has to be compromised against total view. It's quite clear there are differences I hold my hands up and admit I hadn't appreciated between US and EU roads that might require different fov's. As for the best fov, the only way to truly establish that is with side by side physical testing of different lenses. Most of us have had the usual cams ranging from 140-170 degrees or so in our cars, but how many have actually trialled these back to back against much narrower angles? I'm guessing unless someone has had an A lens Mobius to hand.... I do seem to remember reading somewhere that someone said they found the A lens better as a dashcam. Only real way is for a back to back fov test on both EU and US roads. Edit: I found an A (87 degree?) vs B (135 degree?) lens test. Both look acceptable to me although there may be an element of personal opinion as to which angle delivers enough fov:

As for the Viofo, the camera looks nice and 120 degrees seems to be a good compromise, not as wide as many, but not narrow either. Only trial and feedback will tell as to whether a narrower angle could be used in some regions or if 120 degrees is spot on. I for one look forward to the feedback and thank Viofo for being bold enough to try a slightly narrower than usual angle.

Amusing that you're so tired of a discussion you initiated and yet continue to drone on about with an ad nausium level of prolixity. :vomit:
The main reason i dont like wr1 is because it saves the video as .mov files wich dont get along with stock samsung smartphone video player and editor.

clip can be played back by Viofo app.
I have never use my phone as a editor and I will prefer a bigger screen, to do video editing and much more CPU power.
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Hi. I am not 100% sure but I think when I turned the phone to landscape the Viofo app live view turned to landscape as well.

I double check the "tilt screen" was and enable and my browser window did turn. Viofo app didn't turn. FN cam app work fine.
I double check the "tilt screen" was and enable and my browser window did turn. Viofo app didn't turn. FN cam app work fine.
Hi cause I have a flu I did nit felt good enough to check but I did it tonight and now I am 100% sure that the Live View from the latest Viofo Android App turns from portrait to landscape mode when you turn the phone.
Hi cause I have a flu I did nit felt good enough to check but I did it tonight and now I am 100% sure that the Live View from the latest Viofo Android App turns from portrait to landscape mode when you turn the phone.

Wish you a speedy recovery, Padwanjoe! :)
Thank very much @Dashmellow !
We have a saying that goes like this. If you take medicines it takes a week to get better. If you do not take medicines will take 7 days to get better.
If you take medicines it takes a week to get better. If you do not take medicines will take 7 days to get better.
Which of them, did you go for?
Wish you a fast recovery.:nurse:
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Thank you, @Viking !
I went for the first way: medicines.
But I am afraid the saying applies either for better medicines or younger people.
I am on the fifth day with no signs of health improvement.
But I am afraid the saying applies either for better medicines or younger people.
I am on the fifth day with no signs of health improvement.

Welsome to the older club. Nothing to look forwarding to.

Sylvester Stallone:
“The best thing about getting older is… nothing. There’s zero good in getting older."
I like that every day I forget something new. You do benefit from wisdom and I think your soul grows a little bit,
and you become a bit more tolerant, and more forgiving.

Get some warm soup and relax.