Next Viofo Cam

I dont understand you.I think every dashcam recording all time when you are driving.When G-sensor triggers it save (for example) 10 second before and 10 seconds after G-sensor was triggered and save the video file separately.You dont need to show previous recorded videos to court as evidence,just one when a crash happened.Maybe by german laws you are not allowed to show,publish,or share on the internet any videos from your dashcam.But I assume it can not be forbbiden to use a video from your dashcam in case of a crash or accident in order to prove your innocence on court.
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Thats how it is here in Denmark, you can record all you want on the street or in your car.

You can not film over a hedge or fences and you cant film in thru windows / stalk with camera, and then you cant share your recordings on youtube like i do, at least not without blurring license plates and faces.
And i will keep sharing on youtube like i do now until a judge tell me not to, and then i will stop under strong protests and then i will have to blur faces and license plates in new recordings.

I dont use G-sensor while driving, why should i when the camera record all the time anyway,,,,,, BUT ! I can see the sense of using the manual event button to save events as my old way of remembering is flawed or slow at least with my flaky memory.

I think its silly of the law to protect idiots ( in traffic ) like this, not least when it is my civic duty to report any crime i see.
The police and justice system should be glad i dont do that, cuz then i would have to call the police one or two times on just about every drive i make.
And that dont even work once as i found out with the guy i did turn in to the police a while ago, they are so bad staffed that they only did something after i told media ( TV ) about their lack of response to a crime.
That's the whole point. In Germany DashCams are ONLY allowed if the have the option to record only in the case of an accident (hence g-sensor) and have loop functionality. If you were to drive around and film cars and people just for fun the material you creat would not hold up in court as evidence when it is filmed with a device that does not have a g-sensor.

My understanding of a G Sensor is that it automatically protects the clip in which it is triggered. The camera is nevertheless filming the whole time (otherwise there would be nothing to protect!). I'm sure there are 1 or 2 cameras that can save recordings even when not officially recording, by filming all the time but buffering the video to a memory chip and only saving it when a G event is triggered. However, I'm not aware of a camera that does this all of the time. I always thought this pre-buffering was an additional emergency trigger on ordinary cameras to ensure nothing was missed in the lead up to a g sensor event, not a permanent feature. Otherwise the camera would miss all the near misses etc or possibly low speed impacts where the G wasn't triggered. I could be wrong though.
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You can not film over a hedge or fences and you cant film in thru windows

Hmm I don't think google street map, give much care to that law. Its should be very easy to bring them in court in Denmark, to stop there practice.
hehe yeah i see what you mean, and i assume that's also why some countries dont have street view.

But with a 4 foot hedge you cant expect privacy anyway.
Besides when companies like the fruit company and the burger companies and what else dont pay tax here how can they fine them :cautious:
I bet this guy (number 7) is not sitting behind a 4 foot hedge, but a much taller hedge.
Can you confirm or dis-confirm its not you:D @kamkar1
hehe since its 2011 or possible earlier that pic was snapped i am pretty sure its not me, back then i was so skinny i would appear in photos as a thin skin colored tree.
And i have only been naked in public one time, and that was one summer night in 1988 or so when i decided to go skinny dipping on the beach in Mosgaarg forest south of Aarhus, and that was long before street view or for that matter good digital cameras.
Yeah, that would be it but the VAVA with its giant ugly mount really kills it. Something like that with a smartly designed low profile mount could be cool though.

And so far the mount on the VAVA is more problematic than function, as it somewhat easily breaks when trying to unmount the mount from the dashcam, at least based on a few customer feedback on their FB group. I've stopped using the VAVA for about a month as I personally had some other issues (firmware related) but they released an update, time to put it back to the test.

Just hope that the Viofo WR1 won't have any mounting issue and the app itself is designed decently also, though to me, the app might not be as useful as I usually just use the app to set it up initially and rarely use the app ever again unless it's for an update or something.
hehe yeah i see what you mean, and i assume that's also why some countries dont have street view.

Why's that? .. incase they happen to catch a Crim in action making a getaway on foot? Can't have hard evidence like that circling around.

Besides when companies like the fruit company and the burger companies and what else dont pay tax here how can they fine them :cautious:

Blimey, you got that in Denmark as well. I thought it was only dumb arse Aussie Gov't that let's them get away with that.
Should I upgrade my Gitup Git1 with Viofo WR1?
Very similar hardware, but I would expect the Git1 to give slightly better image quality, and I guess the Git1 is a bit more discrete, plus you can take it with you when you get out of the car!

I don't see any reason to "upgrade" unless the Git1 is causing problems.
And here is the same video but compared to A119, both videos recorded at Full HD 30fps. I think the IMX322 is not produced anymore so Viofo is using now the Sony IMX323

And here is the connection to PC with car parked in front of the house at about 10 meters distance:
View attachment 31635

Can you post another video? I am curious to see it in other conditions than sun and shadows. Maybe night time. Thanks!
Can you post another video? I am curious to see it in other conditions than sun and shadows. Maybe night time. Thanks!

Interesting video. The Wr1 is resolving number plates better than the the A119, so a definite step up in daylight.
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I dont think it's a step up because in that video, a119 was set to record in 1080. It can do better in 1440.
I dont think it's a step up because in that video, a119 was set to record in 1080. It can do better in 1440.
Did you think about that you wrote?This video is a comparison video,so I guess both dashcams are recording in the same resolution 1080P.If someone thinks that WR 1 video looks better than A119,he has right to do that.Why than mention a higher resolution (1440P),which is not comparable to 1080P which is lower?:confused::rolleyes:o_O:whistle:
I can't comment on the setup because I don't know what resolutions HD2You used on each camera.

However, there is better resolving on the number plates on the Wr1:

Here's a frame that shows it clearly (when full screen) - the Audi plate stands out better on the bottom:

Click on the image top go to the hosts page, then again to zoom it full size. In all honesty some of the differences are not as apparent when re-encoded as in the original. However, you have the opportunity to playback the original on Youtube and use pause and decide for yourself.

or at greater distance:

In this second one, the Audi plate is all but unreadable in the top frame but in the bottom frame you can still make out B74LBF albeit it is fading.

In all honesty the difference isn't huge, but it is there in favour of the Wr1 in my opinion.
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Did you think about that you wrote?This video is a comparison video,so I guess both dashcams are recording in the same resolution 1080P.If someone thinks that WR 1 video looks better than A119,he has right to do that.Why than mention a higher resolution (1440P),which is not comparable to 1080P which is lower?:confused::rolleyes:o_O:whistle:
Everyone has the right to think what they want :)). That comparision is not fair because a119 is not at full power so people will see that video and say wr1 is a step up when its not true.
@Moon I did something wrong?Dont understand what are you pointing to me?To put a space after a comma?Are you a english teacher and this is bothering you so much?My first language isnt english,so I am happy that people at DCT even understand me at all,either I am making some mistakes during writing or not.:cool:(y):whistle:
@Moon I did something wrong?Dont understand what are you pointing to me?To put a space after a comma?Are you a english teacher and this is bothering you so much?My first language isnt english,so I am happy that people at DCT even understand me at all,either I am making some mistakes during writing or not.:cool:(y):whistle:

I think you communicate very well. Don't let anyone give you a hard time about your English language skills.

Also, FWIW, I've observed many members on DCT from different parts of the world get better and better with their English skills the longer they post to the forum. You probably will too. :)