Now Testing Sandisk Ultra "A1" 667x 400GB Cards (SG9663DC)

Street Guardian USA

Well-Known Member
May 14, 2013
Reaction score
Oakland Park, Florida (USA)
United States
Dash Cam
High ( bitrate that is ) or bust.
How did the card perform?
It's been working great so far. I've been using it since December without issue.

I'm still skeptical, I'll believe it when it's been in operation for at least a year or more, don't get me wrong, I really hope it is what they say, but I've fallen to cons before :rolleyes: ! The last time I looked at them (A1) on Amazon, I noticed that Transcend wasn't lowering their prices to match the A1's and that kind of bothered me insofar as what do they know that no one else does. Right now I don't really need anymore so I am going to just wait and see :cool:.
We’ve sold many hundreds of SG9663DC/SGGCX2PRO/SG9663DCPRO products bundled with the 400GB Sandisk A1 card and they are all working great world wide. I myself run multiple Dashcam products in my vehicle all with 400GB cards.
I'm still skeptical, I'll believe it when it's been in operation for at least a year or more, don't get me wrong, I really hope it is what they say, but I've fallen to cons before :rolleyes: ! The last time I looked at them (A1) on Amazon, I noticed that Transcend wasn't lowering their prices to match the A1's and that kind of bothered me insofar as what do they know that no one else does. Right now I don't really need anymore so I am going to just wait and see :cool:.
I hear ya. I can't remember what I paid for my card, but it was a black Friday deal that was on back order and from adorama. I want to say it was in the $40 range.

Edit: I apologize, I paid $80 on black Friday.
Yeah memory cards in this price range i really would prefer if they are warrantied for dashcam use, not least since i have had cards ( all high end ) die on me pretty fast, so with my luck :unsure:
I have no doubt the cameras work with them just fine, the guys started testing that a long time ago and would not sell them with the cameras if there was the slightest issue.
The last time I looked at them (A1) on Amazon, I noticed that Transcend wasn't lowering their prices to match the A1's and that kind of bothered me insofar as what do they know that no one else does.
we used Transcend cards for about 2 years, they were quick to raise prices when memory costs went up but they declined to lower it again when memory came back down, we don't object to paying fair prices but unfortunately greed got the better of them so we were forced to change brands, we don't mark up the prices on memory so the extra cost would just get passed to the end user, it's not a justifiable cost
We used Transcend for many years as well before the prices stayed jacked up for quite a while.

We only just started using the new Transcend A1 Silver cards now that the prices are normal again. They don't have a 400GB option yet though.
the 400gb card works ok for me as well, takes ages to fill it up.
My theory is, the 400gb card will go through far less read/write cycles which in turn extends it's life expectancy. I could be completely wrong here though.
Well it seems some people don't have any problems, that is a good sign, however I will still take a wait and see attitude. Who knows maybe even the "fake ones" that are bound to come out will work well, but I wouldn't count on it, LOL!

Jokiin and Street Guardian guarantee the A cards themselves but they are an exception in the industry relative to customer service and reliability :cool:. Other manufactures aren't wiling to go to the extent they do, and have for some time, not to mention the card manufactures themselves who seem to always leave themselves some wiggle room for getting out of paying for cards gone bad :(!

Everyone should realize that these cards are not "rocket science to make" the prices the manufactures are getting is as close to price gouging as anyone can get, they seem to have a close net fraternity Hell bent on controlling prices :sick:.
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Everyone should realize that these cards are not "rocket science to make" the prices the manufactures are getting is as close to price gouging as anyone can get, they seem to have a close net fraternity Hell bent on controlling prices :sick:.

I think it's more relatable to surgery than science, yes they're expensive but they're covering a lot of wastage, as processes improve larger sizes become more reliable so there's less wastage which means less of the smaller sizes that are produced as a by product so the smaller sizes disappear out of the market

as you see smaller sizes leave the market that's a good sign that the larger sizes are getting more reliable
hehe yeah i have a few 4 GB and 8 GB memory cards, but all i use them for now are firmware updates, which in spite of them being old SDHC cards do just fine.
And it is not like they are that old memory cards, but not so long ago that size was all i was willing to spend money on as they was pretty expensive back then.