Ordered a SG9665GC

Marc Onrust

Jan 20, 2016
Reaction score
Dash Cam
Hey all,

I'm new to this place, but learned a lot during the past couple of weeks with regards to the various types and brands of dashcams.

Friends and I will be making a roadtrip from The Netherlands all the way up to the Northcape and back, adding up to approx. 8000kms (or 5000 miles).

As we will driving through a spectacular winter landscape and visit some of the most beautiful places on earth (Lofoten), I wanted to have a dashcam to capture the most special parts of our journey.

I had been looking around for quite a while and almost decided to buy a DOD LS460, until I read about all the issues people were having with it. The SG9665GC seemed to be the better alternative. There's no Dutch seller of these cams, so I ordered it with Hiniko from Ireland. That was yesterday, and I was happy to receive a quick mail back that the order will be shipped this very evening. I ordered a hardwire kit with it. Hopefully the cam will arrive soon, so I have some time to have it properly installed :)
Welcome. Your getting a great camera.
Welcome to a great club Marc.

I have had many dealings with Niko and I can honestly say he (and everyone in the Street Guardian network) excel in customer service and product support. Only yesterday in an e-mail to Niko I joked that one day he will disappoint me, as everything he does is in the interest of his customers and he works so hard at his business. You will notice people on here joking that if anyone posts a question it is almost answered before you ask it.

I can say I have found a brand I can trust in Street Guardian (after trying other substandard dashcams) and the one supplier I will ever need in hiniko.com

You are in safe hands.
Wow, great to read all your positive replies. Looks like I made the right choice for brand as well as supplier :)
I had been looking around for quite a while and almost decided to buy a DOD LS460, until I read about all the issues people were having with it.

I wonder if I had anything to do with that. :oops:

Waar heb je dat gelezen? Toch niet op FS?
I wonder if I had anything to do with that. :oops:

Waar heb je dat gelezen? Toch niet op FS?

No, I read it in several posts. Not sure what you mean with FS?

Do like your kitcar by the way! :)
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No, I read it in several posts. Not sure what you mean with FS?
Flitsservice, the forum there is sort of the epicentre of the dutch dashcamworld. Or was, before they became mainstream.
As you probably want to capture most of the trip you should keep in mind that the camera does not offer the possibilitiy of selecting videos to keep after the drive. So if you see something you'd like to keep press the button or bring your laptop to get the movies off the TF-card before they are overwritten.
Yeah, I'll be taking my laptop to save all files each day. Just need to make sure there's plenty of free space on it :)
Camera records at about 4 hours on 32GB.

Portable 1TB harddisc?
Either that or a 1TB flashdrive. The one thing that bothers me is the possibility of losing all movies if such a drive/disk breaks down or gets lost. Oh well, that would be a good excuse to do the trip again next year or so :D
Do I understand correctly there is only a loop recording functionality and no continuously recording option? I guess because it's a dashcam and what they are used for most of the times, it doesn't really make sense to record continuously. But then again the camera appears to be so good that people may decide to buy it to capture the (road)trips they make. Well, at least I am such a person ;) So, would it be an idea to add such an option to the firmware somewhere in the future? :)
A looped DashCam records in small clips one right after another. There is no missed video from one to the next.

Playback is continuous when you play the grouped video segments together in registratorviewer. You can export the exact chunk you want to save as a giant file even if it's an hour etc.
I love it how quickly you guys reply on questions over here :)

OK, should I be able to export that chunk from registratorviewer? It's a tiny bit of a hassle as I'm a linux user, but I guess I can live with login in to Windows once in a while.