Original Mobius night recording with 4mm ~ F1.2 lens (!)

That "while" was a very long one and it has lost the confidence of many of us :( If y'all can get it to outclass the M1 I'd still be interested but at this point I'll have to see that demonstrated before spending a dime on it :rolleyes:

If y'all can get it to outclass the M1 I'd still be interested

it should, the hardware is well capable, it's just the firmware issues that need attention

I think if it was me rather than trying to reinvent the wheel I would have admitted defeat and gone back to square one and used the chipset vendors SDK and just worked with that, would probably be a lot further along already had that happened

sometimes you live and learn, sometimes you just live :)
it should, the hardware is well capable, it's just the firmware issues that need attention

I think if it was me rather than trying to reinvent the wheel I would have admitted defeat and gone back to square one and used the chipset vendors SDK and just worked with that, would probably be a lot further along already had that happened

sometimes you live and learn, sometimes you just live :)
I think if it was me rather than trying to reinvent the wheel I would have admitted defeat and gone back to square one and used the chipset vendors SDK and just worked with that, would probably be a lot further along already had that happened

sometimes you live and learn, sometimes you just live :)

I read a fascinating article just the other day that immediately made me think of the current situation with the Mobius 2.
"Apple CEO Tim Cook reflects on the lesson from Steve Jobs' biggest flop: 'Be intellectually honest — and have the courage to change'

In a talk at Oxford, Apple CEO Tim Cook reflected on the "spectacular failure commercially" of the Power Mac G4 Cube......“It was a very important product for us, we put a lot of love into it, we put enormous engineering into it,"....In his talk, Cook says that Apple knew the Cube was flopping "from the very first day, almost." And so, in July 2001, just under a year from its release, Apple published a press release playfully titled "Apple Puts Power Mac G4 Cube On Ice." ....."This was another thing that Steve [Jobs] taught me, actually," says Cook. "You’ve got to be willing to look yourself in the mirror and say I was wrong, it’s not right." In a broader sense, Cook says that Jobs taught him the value of intellectual honesty — that, no matter how much you care about something, you have to be willing to take new data and apply it to the situation."....."Because he [Steve] wasn’t getting stuck, like so many other people do when they just say I’ve got to keep going on, my pride, you know. So be intellectually honest — and have the courage to change.”

Of course, that was back in 2001 and Apple went on to introduce the iPod, the iPhone, the iPad, the new generation iMac, the iTunes Store, etc., etc., becoming the one of the most valuable companies on the planet in the process.

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Come on guys please don't fight this is such a nice topic ha ha ha
Nobody is fighting.

This is just a discussion, potentially an important one, possibly one deserving its own thread.

You are correct, It Needs is own thread.
My varifocal lens arrived today but I'm mentally and physically exhausted so it's going to wait. I'll pick up on it in the "varifocal lens" thread later ;)

I'm going to have a look at the lenses Dirkzelf uses and speaks of later tonight and see what I can learn :D I am still utterly amazed at how much more detail a lens swap can give and at the prices which range from absurdly low to heart-stopping high and in that even the cheaper ones seem to perform quite well!

My varifocal lens arrived today but I'm mentally and physically exhausted so it's going to wait. I'll pick up on it in the "varifocal lens" thread later ;)

I'm going to have a look at the lenses Dirkzelf uses and speaks of later tonight and see what I can learn :D I am still utterly amazed at how much more detail a lens swap can give and at the prices which range from absurdly low to heart-stopping high and in that even the cheaper ones seem to perform quite well!


@dirkzelf have been pursuing this for quite a long time even on the RC forum. With his results now got me interested. And all I ever wanted initially was just a dashcam.:(
My varifocal lens arrived today but I'm mentally and physically exhausted so it's going to wait. I'll pick up on it in the "varifocal lens" thread later ;)

I'm going to have a look at the lenses Dirkzelf uses and speaks of later tonight and see what I can learn :D I am still utterly amazed at how much more detail a lens swap can give and at the prices which range from absurdly low to heart-stopping high and in that even the cheaper ones seem to perform quite well!


I feel very excited by the recent trend where many of us have been experimenting with aftermarket lenses with such interesting, positive, fascinating results. Having been kicking around here on DCT for four years now it's been a bit disheartening to watch as this site has evolved into more and more of a heavy handed marketing free-for-all dominated by a handful of influential players. It's nice to see a resurgence of some of the DIY enthusiast mentality that initially gave this place a special flavor. Nowadays it's all about, "What Should I Buy?" and "What can we sell you?"
@dirkzelf have been pursuing this for quite a long time even on the RC forum. With his results now got me interested. And all I ever wanted initially was just a dashcam.:(

Yah, and in the end it indeed only needed a cheap lens swap, it has always been a puzzle to me why we had f2. 2~f2.8 lenses...

I mean, the fw can always tone DOWN too much light but can never tone UP too low light, so you need to do something on the pre-digital part of the camera.....

Bigger aperture is more light coming in, so I've been searching for those lenses, for A LONG TIME, and now we found them....

OK, I promised you guys to do another comparison with changed settings, however I haven't been very successfull due to very unclean inside windscreen so I will show some differences in daylight, night time is way to confusing due to the greasy smears on the inside windscreen, I don't know what my collegue driver was thinking, but he must have tried to "clean" the windscreen with some WD40 or I don't know what he was doing.....

MOBIUS with the Runcam Swift Gopro quality 120 degree lens:


EV -0.3

I don''t know.....

All in the above mentioned order:

vlcsnap-2017-10-19-09h02m43s257.png vlcsnap-2017-10-19-09h16m29s749.png


Did you focus the A119? The focus is looking good in those images.
EV settings also look good, but need testing in different conditions like night time to decide if they are the best.
The first Mobius looks out of focus, but I think it is all motion blur!
Did you focus the A119? The focus is looking good in those images.
EV settings also look good, but need testing in different conditions like night time to decide if they are the best.
The first Mobius looks out of focus, but I think it is all motion blur!

A119S: No lens fiddling, just EV -0.3

First Mobius: definitely motion blurr, the lens is incapable, I focussed this lens eactly the same way as the F1.2 lens, static objects in daylight would appear to be equally sharp.....

vlcsnap-2017-10-19-10h18m57s050.png vlcsnap-2017-10-19-10h21m51s881.png

But I'm going to re-fit the C2 lens, which imho is the best fit one from the standard Mobius lenses all together (A/A2/B/C/C2/D) (yes I still have a working B lens.....)

So next will be comparing the C2 next to the F1.2, and I'm taking F1.2 a little down further to EV -30.
Yah, and in the end it indeed only needed a cheap lens swap, it has always been a puzzle to me why we had f2. 2~f2.8 lenses...

I mean, the fw can always tone DOWN too much light but can never tone UP too low light, so you need to do something on the pre-digital part of the camera.....

Bigger aperture is more light coming in, so I've been searching for those lenses, for A LONG TIME, and now we found them....

There's more to a lens than just the size of the aperture. A fast F1.2 lens can normally be expected to exhibit more distortion, chromatic aberration, flare or uneven sharpness across the frame than a slower F2.8 lens at the same price. However in this case it looks like you have found a fast M12 lens that performs very well at a reasonable price. Looking forward to receiving mine. I just hope it's from the same batch and has similar performance....
Did you focus the A119? The focus is looking good in those images.
EV settings also look good, but need testing in different conditions like night time to decide if they are the best.
The first Mobius looks out of focus, but I think it is all motion blur!
That looks more like loss of focus around the edges than motion blur with the Runcam lens. If it was motion blur, it would be sharper in the vertical direction.

The second set of images confirms this, as there's definitely no motion blur when the camera is stationary at a red light!