Panorama X2 firmware 1.02.01 (memory manage fix = Stability improved) Rear 12Mbs/15Mbs Obeyed

Street Guardian USA

Well-Known Member
May 14, 2013
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Oakland Park, Florida (USA)
United States
Dash Cam

-Fixed bug that caused parking folder to become empty (memory manage allocation optimized)

-Rear Bitrate now obeyed Low/High = 12Mbps/15/Mbps (was stuck at 12 before)

-Transitions from parking mode to driving mode no longer freezes, no more grey box lockups.

This is the firmware we've been waiting for. We are feeling 100% confident now after engineers really dug deep the 2nd time. More innovations to come.


1) Download 1.02.01:

EDIT: Scroll down for the even newer 1.02.02

2) Copy "DHD_FullBurn.ELF" to the root of each microSD card. (meaning not inside any folders)

3) Insert the microSD cards into your Panorama X2
(Important, your vehicle's engine must be running to ensure power is stable! Do not perform the update with the engine off)

4) Navigate via the easy to use touch screen to settings, "about" page, and press update!

5) Watch the progress bar fill up, when it's done it will shutdown/reboot.

6) You will need to change the language back to English using visual icons alone since it will be in Korean

7) Format both cards using the settings menu in the camera at least once after you're done with the upgrade.

Below is step-by-step video on how to update a firmware on Panorama X2. (thanks @niko)

Note: This video was created before the latest exFAT support. You'll notice this video asks you to format the cards in the computer first. After 1.01.09 or above, there is no need to format cards in your computer any more. Just follow the video example so you know what to look for using the steps above.

The firmware prior to 1.02.01 was 1.01.09 (all features carried over)

1.02.02 just arrived to fix the Beep On/Off settings to Obey.
(minor change/update so we can fast track this one)

Here is 1.02.02, includes all fixes of 1.02.01 but fixed Beep on/off
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Microphone bug is still present. Experienced a lock up on cam when I was viewing a rear video, pressed back, it jumped to the live view of the rear cam but with 0:0 displayed in red. Required reboot. This FW still needs additional work polishing up the bugs.
Microphone mute obey should be a quick fix I'll report it now thanks for the feedback. We will test internal X2 playback behaviour as well. Thanks for the report so we can polish things up things even further.
Microphone mute obey should be a quick fix I'll report it now thanks for the feedback. We will test internal X2 playback behaviour as well. Thanks for the report so we can polish things up things even further.
Is there anything that can be done to improve the sound. It seems very subdued considering the volume of my music?
The Panorama mic isn't as sensitive as movie camcorders out there. It's normal and can be over amplified via VLC playback etc.
Installed the upgrade last night and formatted cards. Everything well.
My overnight parking files are filed as normal so I assumed that there was nothing to set off a parking event such as motion or shock.

C360_2015-02-05-15-15-08-887.jpg C360_2015-02-05-15-15-56-422.jpg C360_2015-02-05-15-16-06-699.jpg C360_2015-02-05-15-16-20-062.jpg C360_2015-02-05-15-16-29-465.jpg

I drove into work between 7.45 and 8.00 am, all files are stored as normal except for an event as I turned a corner. I parked until 2.30pm. At 2.25 I tapped the screen to record an event. There was no response, it was dead. I had to remove the power supply to bring it back. Looks like it packed up around 11.03
C360_2015-02-05-15-16-59-055.jpg C360_2015-02-05-15-19-01-848.jpg C360_2015-02-05-15-19-50-661.jpg

I still have no parking events despite being parked in front of a door entry to a building.

Have included my settings in case it's me as device is new.
All parking files are in the parking folder. No motion or Gsensor will record in event during park mode. Event as far as I know is for during driving.

I would be careful setting the Power Control so low to 11.8v.

Are you sure the X2 is set up correctly? You should have a lot of files in the parking folder.

Try this, sit in the car, with the car off and key out, wave your hand or fingers in front of the lens, does it record with the car off?
Ok I'm at 12.4v now. Thanks @Pier28 :)
So glad I opted for this model, the help and support is awesome.

@ezuser thanks for the tip. I tried your test with no response, so activated the screen and saw that it was constantly recording. Turns out it wasn't switching to parking mode.

Re-tested the spare fuse bays I was using and saw both were 12v. Turns out I'd used bay 3 instead of 4 which was also empty but ACC.

Now it switches into park mode and records on movement.

Thanks :D
@NZDashcam, glad to hear you got it resolved. After you play with it a while, you may want to drop motion down to med or low, especially if you find high too sensitive.
Beep on/off will be fixed to obey soon.

SM is not able to reproduce mute/unmute bug needs more data on how/when it resets back to being unmuted.
Jon, basically if I set to mute on front, switch to rear cam, it is unmuted, set it muted on rear, switch to front, it shows unmuted again, etc. I'll perform another firmware upgrade over it to see if it "fixes" itself.
Back from a drive. So far the mute issue is "fixed". I performed another upgrade to the latest FW and the selection is now sticking.

So the question is now why is it sometimes the FW upgrade process sticks and sometimes not. The 1st time around it does show it updates, reboots, and shows the correct FW version on the About screen. Can you ask SM about this?

I'm starting to wonder if it is necessary in the future to perform upgrade, then unplug and replug as part of the process. I think I had to do a similar 2x upgrade in the past to rid of the "gremlins" inside the unit.
@NZDashcam, glad to hear you got it resolved. After you play with it a while, you may want to drop motion down to med or low, especially if you find high too sensitive.
It's on low already. I have trees and was surprised to see how much it detected. Still picking up lots of movement in the wind. I might turn it off an see if shock detection is better suited.
@ezuser Thanks for the report, this info should be help SM pin down what is going on. I'm glad to know if it happens to anyone else they can perform a second firmware update for a quick reset/fix.