Panorama X2 GPS

Compare registratorviewer and dashcamviewer to see if spikes are shown in both. What about the hard coded speed number value in the video?

Have compared... seems to be a RegistratorViewer issue... not observed in DashcamViewer

Also if you flipped upside down and it works better I'll have to see what the default antenna placement is

Currently, the GPS antenna is sitting on dashboard with writing facing up.. I believe when it is stuck to the windscreen it is considered upside down, which is the way i had it in the first place.
Ah that would explain it. You need to have the GPS logo facing up towards the sky or alternatively take out the four screws and flip the PCB upside down.

DashCamViewer won't show speed spikes and misinterpret the GPS data like registratorviewer does.
Ah that would explain it. You need to have the GPS logo facing up towards the sky or alternatively take out the four screws and flip the PCB upside down.

Wierd thing is, when i first removed it from the windscreen and placed it on the dash with logo facing up, it still didn't work as expected. It was only the next day when going to work i noticed it locking on very quickly from cold boot.

Anyway, all good now... :)
Some windshields have material that block UV (and GPS signals). They often times leave gaps for the signals to pass up top or other areas.