Parking mode

Hello :). Can I get the latest firmware with auto-parking mode? (time+g sensor based). Thank you!
estore 009, the firmware auto-parking mode? (time+g sensor based) where can i download it please? thanks
Hello, I would like to also try the latest firmware with auto-parking mode please.

I have been using the B1W with the auto park firmware since Monday and it has been working as stated. The camera will auto shut off after 3 mins and will start recording and will resume as soon as you drive off.
would it be possible to have the firmware of the automatic parking mod wifi ON and OFF?
And the G sensor sensitivity can be adjusted independently in parking mod and drive recording? Because I find the dashcam set to high too sensitive while driving, but hardly enough parking.
And finally, this firmware allows there also a timelaps between detections?
If so, is it adjustable (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 fps etc.)?

Best regards

serait il possible d'avoir le firmware du mode parking automatique (wifi ON et OFF) ?
Et est-ce que la sensibilité du capteur G peut être ajustée différement en mode parking et en enregistrement de conduite ? Car je trouve la dashcam, quand elle est réglée sur la sensibilité la plus haute, trop sensible en roulant, mais à peine suffisante en stationnement.
Et pour finir, ce firmware là permet il aussi un timelaps entre les detections ?
Si oui, est il ajustable (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 fps etc) ?

Par avance,
Merci beaucoup.
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would it be possible to have the firmware of the automatic parking mod wifi ON and OFF?
Yes, PM you firmware already, please check!
And the G sensor sensitivity can be adjusted independently in parking mod and drive recording? Because I find the dashcam set to high too sensitive while driving, but hardly enough parking.
No, cannot support that!
And finally, this firmware allows there also a timelaps between detections?
If so, is it adjustable (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 fps etc.)?
Newer beat 1FPS timelapse recording will come out very soon!
hi. can you please send me the firmware for both auto-parking mode ON and OFF? thanks.
I'm new here and I got my b1w 2 days ago. From what I read till now I understand there is an auto parking mode on a new firmware. I'd like to have it for test.
I also noticed some issues the android app that I would like to have them fixed:
1. The app is making the mobile phone stuck after switching to horizontal view.
2. The app is drawing a lot of power from the phone's battery.
3. Choosing a file is somehow strange and I try to touch the screen for a few times and I find myself repeating till I get this "V" sign.
4. After I managed to download a video, I noticed that it's not smooth when viewing it.
It's the same if the resolution is 1080 or 720.
I'm using LG G6 phone with android 8.0.0. The d1w FW is 20180528s
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Hi estore009, Thank you very much for this firmware.
I noticed that the recording stops after 3 or 4 minutes (cool). I noticed too that the recording does not resume right after turning on the power [(ignition?) without starting the engine]. Its starts only when the engine starts. Is it normal?

Bonjour estore009 et merci beaucoup pour ce firmware.
Je constate que l'enregistrement s'arrête après 3 ou 4 minutes (cool). Je constate aussi que l'enregistrement ne reprend pas après avoir mis le contact (sans démarrer le moteur). Cela fonctionne seulement une fois le moteur démarré. Est-ce normal ?
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Hello store009, Could you please send me the firmware with auto parking mode? Thank you
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Hi estore009, Thank you very much for this firmware.
I noticed that the recording stops after 3 or 4 minutes (cool). I noticed too that the recording does not resume right after turning on the power [(ignition?) without starting the engine]. Its starts only when the engine starts. Is it normal?

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
The manner in which I have it hardwired it also does not start recording when I start my car.
I do see it begin recording under the 2 following instances
1) a g-sensor triggered event.....I have my set to 'high' and if I slam my car door the recording will being
2) a motion event such as driving.
Hi GregStack,
(and sorry for my poor english. I sometimes get help, and sometimes not ... and that's not the case now ^^)

I traveled about 200 km today with a few stops. So, I could better understand this parking mode.
Finally, the recording seems to cut after about 3 minutes at a standstill, even if the engine is still running. Then he starts again as soon as the car is moving.
I like that. It is missing only an additional time lapse. :hungry:

GregStack said:
The manner in which I have it hardwired it also does not start recording when I start my car.
:bored: Strange …
With the normal firmware, does recording (manually) work well?
Are you sure you have the firmware 0614S installed?

Concerning the untimely triggering of events, it's the same for me. So I set it up on the middle.
I have tonight to adjust it again on high (because it is the most suitable on a parking lot). I know that on my car, without slamming the door too hard, I will not have any events. But I may have some sometimes in driving.
The problem is that it is unfortunately not possible to have a specific sensitivity setting to parking and driving.

Salut GregStack,
J'ai parcouru environ 200 km aujourd'hui avec quelques arrêts. Ainsi, j'ai pu mieux apréhender ce mode parking.
Enfin de compte, l'enregistrement à l'air de se couper après 3 minutes environ à l'arrêt, même si le moteur tourne encore. Puis il reprend dès que la voiture est en mouvement.
Ça me plaît bien tout ça. Il ne manque plus qu'un time laps additionel. :hungry:

GregStack said:
The manner in which I have it hardwired it also does not start recording when I start my car.
:bored: Bizarre …
Est-ce qu'avec le firmware normal l'enregistrement (manuellement) fonctionne bien ?
Est tu sûr de bien avoir le firmware 0614S d'installé ?

Concernant les déclenchements intempestifs d'évenements, c'est pareil pour moi. Je le règle donc sur moyen.
Je viens ce soir de le régler à nouveau sur élevé (car c'est le plus adapté en stationnement). Je sais que sur ma voiture, sans claquer trop fort la porte, je n'aurai pas d'évenements. Mais je risque d'en avoirs parfois en roulant.
Le souci est qu'il n'est malheureusement pas possible d'avoir un réglage de la sensibilité propre au parking et à la conduite.
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