Pics that make you smile


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2013
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Dash Cam
10 years, many dashcams
Just wanted to open a kill time tread ppl can use while we wait for jokiin to finish his product ;)





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Looking at these other pictures make me realize how young I am compared to everyone else on this website... :(


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Dammm thats just plain evil, but some how it manage to put a smile on my face.
Gotta play it safe when packing a AK 74 in public :D
I think the treatment of the Green Dwarf is disgraceful! This is an obvious example of Human Rights Abuse in the Post Communism countries.
We here in the Good Ol' USA, respect & treat Green Dwarfs w/ the dignity they deserve......the Dwarf in the video was clearly calling out for his mother!
Polish Citizens should feel ashamed!
I remember the festivals and concerts held at the nearby botanical garden when i was a kid, this was in the late 70 ties early 80ties, and man there was a lot of drugs and alcohol.
Not that big a venue, maybe room for 5 - 8000 in front of the stage, but in the rest of the botanical garden here was fornicating - drug intage and what ever a large ammount of hippies bring along.
Us kids made good mony collecting beer bottles for recycling, and Cash for getting beer to the ppl.

Tomorrow me and my friend evacuate as there is a festival going on close to his house. ( )
+10,000 ppl going insane to beep beep "music" and the kind of rock we do not like.
Allso the streets will be teaming with drunken idiots acting like pre teen kids, and this beeing Denmark we will go strait to jail if we should dare to teach them a Little manors. ( like dont piss on my fence or take a crap in my garden or no this car roof is not for dancing )

Tomorrow will bring long distance sniping on the beach ( with our fine pcp air rifles ) chilling with all kinds of RC toys - a Little fishing - a lot of grill cooking.
Beats beeing around drunken infantile a..holes :mad:
Both me and my friend dont drink so we find it hard to relate to ppl who do. ( at least the infantile acting drunks, and that sadly cover a lot of Danes )
I think the treatment of the Green Dwarf is disgraceful! This is an obvious example of Human Rights Abuse in the Post Communism countries.
We here in the Good Ol' USA, respect & treat Green Dwarfs w/ the dignity they deserve......the Dwarf in the video was clearly calling out for his mother!
Polish Citizens should feel ashamed!

Yes, they should feel ashamed. But because of they are lazy - they do not go vote. For example only 23% citizens took part in the last European Parliament elections. And the winner is the party which is generally disliked or hated - at least if Internet forums are concerned. People in Poland like to complain but do not like to do anything to change the bad situation. The average salary is about 930 USD per month and employees have to work very hard - some experts say that Polase are among nations which work most harder in the world. The unemployment rate is about 14%.
Polen sound a Little like Denmark, perhaps thats why there is a lot of polish ppl living and working here.
Its just sad some of the ppl that go here to work is used like slaves and dont get the Danish salery they are supposed to have. :oops:
Polen sound a Little like Denmark, perhaps thats why there is a lot of polish ppl living and working here.
Its just sad some of the ppl that go here to work is used like slaves and dont get the Danish salery they are supposed to have. :oops:
Poland sounds like Holland rather than Denmark