Pics that make you smile

Haha that brown dog got the WTF look :D
Them resembles sum uh my kinfolk! Dog-gone handsome hounds, ain't they?

I still have a picture somewhere (not digital) of my brothers 25 pound cat, sleeping in a large ceramic, decorative bowl, on the dining room table. The cat barely fit in it, but somehow would climb into it and curl up. If it was awake it would stare at you with a look that was something like 'WTF are you looking at?'/'you'd do it too, if you could fit in here'.
Normally ppl are split in two about me being human or not, if you add a 2.0 after human they seem to agree but not knowing what defines a human 2.0

But the Feds would know for sure :D
I remember that hole in the ground / hermit scene :D pure genius.

The whole sequence is explaining religion perfect and why its such rubbish.

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