Pics that make you smile

The latest selfie stick craze.

The latest selfie stick craze.

And somehow that is less annoying than an external selfie :confused:

Although if the "internal selfie" becomes a thing, and people start doing that in public, I'm retracting the above comment.
Some ppl have a hard time with women breastfeeding ther kid in public, so i dont see internal selfies as beeing popular there either.
@ kamkar1 Yep you are right I was breast fed in public and I remember the trouble that caused .........Mind you she was our next door neighbour and I was 17 at the time ........Ipol:eek: :oops: :rolleyes:
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Couldn't help but laugh at this Jwalker today
hehe i had same experience with a dog yesterday, not often you see a stray dog with collar and all run around.
It was clear it wanted to cross the street as son as the oncomming car had passed it, so i honked my horn and as i could see the dog again it had all 4 legs on the road.
And offcourse i slowed down as i saw trouble comming my way.


Consider these streets guarded :cool:
Made me smile when my friend handed me this projekt he got as a addon on deal for a simmilar RC car he got 2 hand.
The willy itself was a pretty small jeep, and so was its go devil engine.
So this scale down to 1:6 in size, and i should be able to transplant a lot of the stuff from the Axial truck i have in surplus, so all i need to buy is a transfer case.
I think GI joe use to be the driver, so i will have to look him up to see if he will man my ride when its done.

As our American friends say " go big or go home" :)
Is / was it named most famous ever ? did not know that.

But offcourse i know the album though i never owned 1 album with the beatles, and i know the name of the road and recording studio.
Really i should buy Sgt pepper LHCB and revolver which is my favorite albums by the beatles.
There is a lot of albums i should buy, would love to get into some money and allso back into vinyl again.
Selling all my vinyl back in the late 80ties is one of my all time regrets. :rolleyes: stupid - stupid - stupid :(
I suppose the fact the you know the name of the album, the road and the recording studio without ever owning the album and even knew what album it was just from this photo says something of how famous it is.
You're right though, Sgt. Pepper and Revolver could easily be on the list.
A friend of mine owned a used record store selling mostly vintage vinyl but the building it was in suffered a devastating fire and he lost everything......all 150 thousand or more dollars worth that he'd collected over a lifetime.
2 hand record stores was a favorite spot of mine, allso the one reason i amassed so many records.
Back then a brand new album was pretty expensive for a young guy like me who allso liked to spend money on a lot of stupid things, but a 2 hand record was pretty cheap, so normally i allways came home with 10 records to listen to.

I even did a little "stealing" on tape ;) took more of a effort back then to be a pirate, and good 90 minutes metal TDK tape was not cheap.
So, Kamkar, you probably noticed that the above photo is a different version of the one you posted two weeks ago. :D

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hehe yeah

Allways had a feeeling regarding MGM :D

Must be cuz i am a LEO.

"The element associated with Leo is Fire. Everything about the Lion's personality is hot, hot, hot. Those born under this sign are fearless and strong, which may be why Lions plunge in headfirst and let the chips fall where they may. Thankfully, Leos are dignified enough not to commit too many pratfalls. It's the Lion's unswerving courage that wins so many folks over. If you need someone to lead the charge, call a Leo -- and the bigger the project, the better, since these folks love an expansive stage"

Just dont tell that to the girls.