Pics that make you smile

This could be Amsterdam, here the last months white heroin was sold to tourists as cocaine
No this was solely a reaction on the picture placed by Dashmellow, a sign which was also warning for bad drugs.
What's the difference between this picture and the picture by Dashmellow?
Here you mostly get your drugs on the street ( retail )
Or at least thats how i undestand it, when i was in that bracket i was in right after the importer. :oops:

We allso often get warnings in TV and radio, drugs stolen from vet dont use, and extre strong "brown sugar" for sale, and so on.

The Dutch seem to be way better at handeling these things compared to here, though we have a pretty open sale of weed its by no means legal.
And what alcohol cost us every year ( around 11 billion DKkr ) is more than what weed and cocaine together cost us on a yearly basis.
I allways supported death penalties for dealing drugs, even when i was much more morally handicapped myself.
I haven't checked all the posts so excuse me if it's already posted...
Monkey's selfie.
A macaque monkey in Indonesia took a camera from a wildlife photographer before snapping himself in a variety of poses.

And another one that always bring smile:
A strangely accurate 1930s imagining of what life in the future would be like.
Sluts, smoking and drinking in spain while children and husband is at home.
Sluts, smoking and drinking in spain while children and husband is at home.

Gee, and here I was thinking that it seems more like two modern independent women sitting at a table without talking to one another while totally immersed in their "smart phones".

So, I'm not really quite sure how you get Spain, husbands or sluts from this vintage drawing or how that might speak to anything about the future that didn't exist in the 1930s?
You must have a vivid imagination. :p
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I believe it's popular for todays british girls to go to mallorca spain only to have "fun", so this was quite accurate painting;)
I see the same as "Dashmellow" and thought it's describing our present day so accurately.
They're British? Where are you getting this stuff?
First, this is far from original joke now.
Second, i don't think that painting is really from 1930's.
Third, but if it were, it's just the same style what you have seen in tv series Hercule Poirot, starring David Suchet.
Finally, i think i stop now;)

Such paintings were quiet common then... They believed in "modernisation" and "everything is possible"... So painters took what existed (eg. the phone), and "made" it to a videophone...

We had a newer example in the 1960s - humanity went into space, and everyone believed, due to the big footsteps, that in the year 2000 we'd have the first colony on mars... Well - that's been before humanity became comfy...


why is there nothing like this on the continent??

Bruce McCall

Such paintings were quiet common then... They believed in "modernisation" and "everything is possible"... So painters took what existed (eg. the phone), and "made" it to a videophone...
Painting in question is probably made by Bruce McCall, born 1935 , painted not so many years ago, this kind of work is what he does.
Maybe... I just remember School, had an art-loving teacher there, and he showed us such pictures (from 1930s) all the time. Has been quiet annoying (well his lessons had all that same ...impact... on students)
Bruce McCall
Painting in question is probably made by Bruce McCall, born 1935 , painted not so many years ago, this kind of work is what he does.

This work was not made by Bruce McCall who's work comes under the banner of "retro-futurism. McCall was heavily influenced by the actual genre of pulp futurism that existed in the early part of the 20th century. In fact, McCall's entire career was established on mimicking and satirizing the real genre, which you seem to be completely unware of. The artwork posted here is not in his characteristic artistic style nor does it depict his preference for a later more modern and streamlined era. Also, for anyone paying attention, that is not his signature on the lower right hand corner. This type of artwork certainly existed outside the realm of television detective shows like Poirot.

@Sabe, I'm trying to understand what point you are trying to make with all of your challenging remarks here since I posted that vintage artwork. As you've never offered a single image to this otherwise amusing, humorous and lighthearted thread your comments here seem a bit gratuitous. And is it really necessary to use a provocative word like "sluts" in regard to an artwork like that? One of those alleged "sluts" happens to be talking to a child on her "mobile phone". Why even go there?
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