Pics that make you smile

4Skins.....sends just the right wine flavor mental image direct to the potential customer......Hmmmn, complex tongue on stone flavor with bold cherry undertones and a buttery, yet subtle smegma finish! :D

I'm sure it's popular when combined with the right cheese :eek:

Not somewhere I'd go from a marketing perspective but I'm sure it gets them noticed
I'm sure it's popular when combined with the right cheese :eek:

Not somewhere I'd go from a marketing perspective but I'm sure it gets them noticed

I'm sure you're right, a name like that will definitely attract attention. Marketing subtleties, hidden subtexts and subconscious perceptions can be a strange beast though. There's a famous marketing story about a scouring pad that used to be called "Chore Girl". When they changed the name to "Chore Boy" sales skyrocketed. :smuggrin:
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I am for any legislation that spanks the Courts for not applying legislation as it was written. To me this is perfect legislation to show the legislative branches of all 50 states how to tell the Courts to make the proper decisions.

It does not matter if the ADA AA is perfect or very bad. I simply enjoy seeing judges get put into their place in this manner. This is model legislation because it overturns judicial precedent the right and irreversible way.

The ADAAA basically changed the criteria for how the law is applied while maintaining the definition of "disabled". "Spanks the court" and "seeing judges get put into their place in this manner" sounds a lot like one of the partisan talking points from Fox News and political media operatives working on their behalf who don't like the way our three branches of government function if it doesn't happen to suite their particular agenda. The real truth of the matter is that there have been attacks on the courts going back to the early days of our nation from one faction or another who don't like the court's interpretations of one law or another. A good example today would be the anti-abortion activists who are always trying to get the courts to rule in ways that decidedly wouldn't apply Roe v Wade as written. Whether you are on the right or on the left, it's the same thing.
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I'm sure you're right, a name like that will definitely attract attention. Marketing subtleties, hidden subtexts and subconscious perceptions can be a strange beast though. There's a famous marketing story about a scouring pad that used to be called "Chore Girl". When they changed the name to "Chore Boy" sales skyrocketed. :smuggrin:
International markets add another dimension as well. Years ago GM couldn't understand why the Chevy Nova was a poor seller in a number of countries.

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Nissan wouldn't have named their car "Juke" if they knew what that meant in the south US :eek: The word is pretty much relegated to use by older folks now- younger people just use the "F" word directly these days :(

After 10 years, the wife starts to think their kid looks kind of strange. So she decides to do a DNA test. She finds out that the kid is actually from completely different parents.

Wife: "Honey, I have something very serious to tell you."

Husband: "What’s up?"

Wife: "According to the DNA test results, this is not our kid."

Husband: "Well you don’t remember, do you?? When we were leaving the hospital, we noticed that our baby had pooped. You said: Please go change the baby, I’ll wait for you here."
Sound like mommy is amused and the rest of the family in panic.
Sound like mommy is amused and the rest of the family in panic.
Maybe she remembered the good old days when she was young;)
The Courts decision was so fantastic that I felt I had to include the link. This case is the perfect answer for WHY those with disabilities have fewer jobs now compared to when the ADA was passed. The one reason not mentioned previously for not hiring the disabled is workers compensation. Many employers see a potential employee with a problem they suspect could be claimed to be a new injury and refuse to hire. I believe removing special rights for disabled workers would result in more disabled people having work. I know the UK has some laws that protect those with disabilities but am not sure how it affects the UK workplace.
I believe we use the term "reasonably practicable". (started with the health and safety at work act?) Under the DDA, you must make provision for the disabled community. I believe it started mainly for employers and employing people with disabilities - but this had a knock-on effect. If you have disabled employees accessing your premises, you are then opening up to disabled customers. However, The DDA recognises that many of our antiquated buildings simply aren't suitable. Years ago, we had smaller rooms, narrow corridors, flights of steps to the front door etc. We also have many listed buildings where you cannot simply start making alterations. So here, it wouldn't be resonable to expect the employer to spend millions just so one person in a wheelchair can access.
If you take the example of our National Trust - some of the great houses, Waddesdon manor (for example) will have spent many thousands on accessibility but they will recover millions from increased visitors.
In the case of the deaf nurse and an interpreter, it would be viewed as completely impractical since they are trebling their costs for zero benefit.
A more sensible route might have been to offer all staff a sign language course. OK, so there would be a cost implication BUT it would mean that all staff, in theory, can be involved with the nurse (break times, meetings etc), it also means that all staff can then treat deaf patients...
There are plenty of opportunities for helping out disabled people that are completely reasonable. Eg Buildings - including homes - were often built with stairs at the entrance for no reason other than appearance. Scrapping that idea cost nothing and helped a lot of people out. But then they forced all new homes to have accessible downstairs toilets. Good for disabled people, a hugely expensive extravagance /waste for the vast majority of people. Does that stand the scrutiny of a cost - benefit analysis? I think not.

The problem with all these rules is they are imposed from high up by well meaning people, but they trickle down to work against common sense, and become dogma that you can't fight against.

And I have to say this, look around you. The numbers of disabled or infirm people is rising rapidly. How nice can we afford to be, for how long, before it breaks us?

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I used to tell that story as well. I checked snopes today and it looks like I'll have to reconsider one of my favorite stories.
I'm not 100% convinced that Snopes is correct in all their research, but they do have a pretty good track record. I first heard the Nova story from someone in GM marketing - not that that is an infallible source either.
I think its pretty go going here in NOVA, where I live.

Northern Virginia.

Better NOVA than SOVA, cuz SOVA rimes with So what :D
Chinese Restaurant.jpg

The sign is fake, but the restaurant is real!

A Chinese restaurant has come under fire for offering discounts to women depending on their bra size, it's reported.

According to the Qianjiang Evening Post, local people complained to the council after seeing posters advertising discounts for the Trendy Shrimp restaurant at a mall in Hangzhou, the main city of coastal Zhejiang province.

The company's adverts showed a line-up of cartoon women in their underwear with the slogan "The whole city is looking for BREASTS". It listed discounts for women depending on their cup size, with greater offers available to women with bigger busts.

One representative complaint said the posters were "vulgar advertising" and "discriminatory towards women".

The posters first appeared on 1 August and have since been removed, but Trendy Shrimp general manager Lan Shenggang defended their sales strategy. "Once the promotion started, customer numbers rose by about 20%," he said, adding that "some of the girls we met were very proud - they had nothing to hide".

He reassured readers that customers could claim their discounts from the waitresses rather than dealing with male staff, in order to "avoid embarrassment". "


Ill take them as they are, girls that in any way have joined the PRO MOD class are a major turn off for me.
I'm not 100% convinced that Snopes is correct in all their research, but they do have a pretty good track record. I first heard the Nova story from someone in GM marketing - not that that is an infallible source either.

here we had the Mitsubishi Pajero, pretty sure that wouldn't sell well in Spanish speaking countries

[persona] Que se masturba con frecuencia.