Pics that make you smile

It would seem like the Blues brothers are needed again, or did that guy try to reenact the scene from the bridge.

Anyway just go to proof there are wast differences between movies and real life, and yet so many have a problem differentiating the two. :rolleyes:

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Ha, just found some more.
Being a private company they can fire who they want, but the story is pretty public and their reasoning is hilarious, thats why i find the jokes funny :)

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Here's a burglar, caught on security camera, breaking into a Durian (fruit) storage building in thailand. At about I:10 it tears down a section of the wall to access the fruit.

Hmm, I guess the problem I have with skunks under my deck isn't as big as I thought it was. :D
Hmm, I guess the problem I have with skunks under my deck isn't as big as I thought it was. :D
I smell skunk here once in awhile. They win. The last thing I want is to shoot a skunk and have it spray the building with smell that remains for a loonnngggg time.
Hmm, I guess the problem I have with skunks under my deck isn't as big as I thought it was. :D

Skunks can't stand the smell of old fashioned Pine-Sol disinfectant. To repel Skunks or get them to move from under a building, soak a rag with Pine-Sol cleaner and stuff it down their burrow or soak a boundary line you don't want them to cross. You can also staple rolled up towels under your deck and soak them with Pine Sol. Skunks are primarily crepuscular (active during dusk & dawn) and will usually spend the day in their dens, so if you wait for them to leave before deploying the Pine-Sol you will often be able to persuade a skunk family to find an alternate den site after they return.

Skunks will only spray as a last resort. They only have a limited amount of spray in their arsenal, and it takes a while to recharge their scent glands so they try not to use their ultimate defense weapon unless they have to. When a skunk decides to use the nuclear option, it swivels so that its face and butt are both pointing at the threat, it then ejects its two spray nozzles on either side of the anus and aims at the eyes of the presumed predator. A full blast can travel twelve feet. The thiols in the spray are such potent irritants that they can cause nausea and temporary blindness and can stop a bear. You can feel perfectly comfortable in the vicinity of skunks as long as the skunk is comfortable in the vicinity of you. If they feel nervous, they will pause, look at you, and stomp their front feet. If you move toward them, they next try a handstand to display their bold stripes which are a warning coloration. That's a sure sign it's time to back away. Dogs don't know any better so they usually jump right into the fray and get sprayed. That's also why they usually end up with a snout full of porcupine quills after they mess with these gentle creatures who would rather be left alone just like the skunks.
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Skunks can't stand the smell of old fashioned Pine-Sol disinfectant....
Thanks for that tip, I'll keep it in mind. I'd always heard that moth balls would get rid of them but that was 'fake news' - they don't work.

I'm familiar with skunk behavior as my house backs up to a wooded area so skunks, possum, woodchucks, deer, rabbits, raccoons, etc. are pretty common. In the past I've actually had skunks wander up to the deck while I was sitting out there. My concern is a family setting up housekeeping under the deck as I've always heard that the mother won't let the kits leave until they learn to spray - and I certainly don't want those lessons taking place directly under my nose. :yuck::nailbiting:
Monkey see, monkey do. Or should I say dumb and dumber.
Maybe it is a street thar are now one way, and in a unfortunate way in regard to how the parking bays are painted.

See how optimistic i am, i go out of my way to try and tell myself that people can not be that stupid.
Maybe it is a street thar are now one way, and in a unfortunate way in regard to how the parking bays are painted.

See how optimistic i am, i go out of my way to try and tell myself that people can not be that stupid.

Most likely. No way all of them arrive the same time and decided to park out of marked lots. Still seeing it gives a smile.:D
Hmm, I guess the problem I have with skunks under my deck isn't as big as I thought it was. :D

I sent the video to my sister and her reply was almost the same, but involved raccoons. :)