Pics that make you smile

haha take me right back to the young days.
Even in 97 that song was a oldie.

I just found out i had some form of google pay stuff going, with my full information and even a old visa card attached, needless to say i deleted that stuff at once as google play dont have anything i would spend money on.
Not that i think google will forget me or dont have a pooload of information on me, but i cant figure out why i ever entered that information cuz i never had a plan for buying anything from google or people selling on their app store.
haha take me right back to the young days.
If i ever try to sing karaoke this is my choice, and unlike da da this has proper lyrics.
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Well, is this too difficult for non metric people(north americans)?
Can't watch the video at the moment, but the sad thing is, they do teach metric in school here. It's just that in the real world, the only time you see metric used is on drink containers (2L, 500mL), tires, and on auto parts. Even most US auto mfr's are using metric now. Oh, you also see km/h on speed limit signs near major airports, and that's about it.
Can't watch the video at the moment, but the sad thing is, they do teach metric in school here. It's just that in the real world, the only time you see metric used is on drink containers (2L, 500mL), tires, and on auto parts. Even most US auto mfr's are using metric now. Oh, you also see km/h on speed limit signs near major airports, and that's about it.
I can't say you are old fashioned,
in metric country we still use an hour that is 60 minutes, minute is 60 seconds, but one second is 1000 milliseconds:whistle:
I can't say you are old fashioned,
in metric country we still use an hour that is 60 minutes, minute is 60 seconds, but one second is 1000 milliseconds:whistle:
I wish we'd move to metric. It shouldn't be that hard... Our cars already have both mph and kmh on the speedos since Mexico and Canada use metric. I have way more metric tools than I do inches (with the sole exception being carpentry tools - nobody sells metric measuring tapes, squares, etc here). And in the kitchen, all my measuring cups have meric on one side and imperial on the other. Even medicine dosage is given in metric. Sadly, when the pharmacists explain the dosage, they say things like "give him 5 M-L's each night" instead of saying "give him 5 milliliters..." Makes them look kinda dumb. Kinda like when you hear someone describing battery capacity and they say "mah" (like you might call your mother) instead of "milliamp hours". :rolleyes:

And now that I've watched the video (seen it before), it's an old joke... Which weighs more, a ton of steel or a ton of feathers? And that works whether it's metric or imperial. And if you don't get it, well, I guess you're just too dense. :P

But it makes me think of this:
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If they can fake trip to moon it's a peace of cake to fake hammer and feather drop:cautious:
I can't say you are old fashioned,
in metric country we still use an hour that is 60 minutes, minute is 60 seconds, but one second is 1000 milliseconds:whistle:
And you probably buy a 2"x4" piece of lumbar that is 2 meters long. :D
I think NASA whent metric long ago, but that might just be BS EURO boys tell them self.

I must admit i think the metric system is one of the best things the French ever came up with, that and the occasional bloody revolution to clean out the establishment.
Abandoning the standard system was part of the downfall of the USA manufacturing. Prior to that other countries bought our machines and tools.
My grandfather made note of this back in the 1970's.