Pics that make you smile

The fact that's in Scotland makes it all the funnier. Water is what they have to walk through when they go outdoors!
More on the topic of pumpkins.

As i recall someone in here are in IT.

We all need a little Helium in our life.

Actually i once had a voice changer software parried to my microphone on the headset, i was totally killing the servers i entered as everyone else there was ROTFL while i captured one flag after the other.
Didn't make me smile - quite the opposite. My windshield (windscreen) after about 300 highway miles through mostly forest area. The front of the car was much worse. :yuck:

Yeah bug season are murder on good dashcam footage, my car use to be worse but now that i have flat-rate carwash its far better.
And i also use some bug spray that i let the splatters soak in for a little while before i drive onto the washing machine.

You must be Northbound at the time of the picture.
Didn't make me smile - quite the opposite. My windshield (windscreen) after about 300 highway miles through mostly forest area. The front of the car was much worse. :yuck:

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I once used all my washer fluid by around the 150 mile mark of a 200 mile trip. Of course the one gas station i found out there in the middle of nowhere had no washer fluid, just a water hose. Better than nothing... The love bugs were insane that night.

On that same night, I got my worst speeding ticket. But when the cop said he clocked me at 82mph (in a 65), I said yeah I was going a little fast... I didn't tell him I'd had cruise control set at 95. :D
Been a while since I've been in Yooperland. Hasn't changed I see. :)
Yeah, it's a slow moving culture up there. I've been going up regularly for 30+ years and it sometimes seems that it's still the same cars parked in front of the same houses now as back then. About the only thing new is a couple of WalMarts and gas stations will change from one brand to another - that and the bridge toll is up to $4 now.
I drove the Seney stretch a lot on the way to and from college but it's been 30 years since I've been there. I would love to see the Keweenaw peninsula again someday.
If true, this explains a lot.


It's time for a public lynching...

She's written her own "Swan Song" for her career quite well I think so the education wasn't totally wasted :p

Seriously, nobody seems to go into the field they major in, yet somehow these people are considered to be smart even when they can't figure out their own ambitions :whistle:

i heard those suckers can burn down your car in the worst cases.