Pics that make you smile

Hehe yeah i saw that earlier today, but dident watch the video, to be honest i am a little disappointed they feel the need to defend Denmark on this.
Just take a look yourself in the global stats and i cant think of a single area where Denmark and Venezuela are with in +/- 10 countries of each other, and if you feel like checking closer for yourself, book a plane and give me a holler and i will guide you to anywhere you might want to go to do your own research.
Aside for Christaina in Copenhagen, the capitol i think i can deal with for a day or two, but no way in hell will i set foot in that tax payer funded collapsed social experiment.

I thought the FOX news segment was hilarious on one hand, and on the other Danish news are almost just as bad, or just as bad if you look at a couple of our newspapers.

And i am probably not the one to use as a common denominator for Danes, far from it i would say, so if you choose me as a guide you will probably have to say shut the hell up dude once in a while :)

I guess that makes the commercial about "Amerika first, but can we say, Denmark/Holland/Germany/France etc second..." totally utterly complete OBSOLETE? Come on, USA, really? It's degrading itself by exposing its true nature.... Is this guy really the joke we all already thought he was, or does he have a solid plan .... Or? I'm afraid nobody really knows. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he had nothing to do, signed up for the commander in chief job, and crapped his panty's when he got actually elected.... But guess what, Americans don't back down, so we're just sitting this one out, bowing for his majesty and hope no one presses the big red button hé.....
Hey!! THE old folks called me DICKIE when I was born, it's not my faultt when my head is a dic(ky)head.... :woot:

Well, Dickie, despite the name I think you are probably one of the least likely people on this forum to act like an actual dickhead, so there's that. :)
Americans don't back down

Americans dont run,,,,,,, cuz the all weigh a ton :giggle: not my ides got it off that Aussie comedian on comedy channel.
Maybe I went a little too far? I always try to stay away from poli~freakin~tics, there are just too many things going on that I don't understand..... :geek:
They really should lover that road a couple of feet.:giggle: