Pics that make you smile

Aaa the 8 bit days :)

And since then we got the internet, that are supposed to make us all smarter,,,,,,,, but really thats not how it work for a great many of people.
Darwin wasn't wrong...

Not trying to sound cold but my kids knew fire was dangerous by age 4. This girl was 12. No excuse.
I don't think there were any claims of the internet making anyone smarter. It could provide faster access to more information and communication and perhaps there were some assumptions that this ease of access might lead to quicker learning. However as you pointed out, it can also aid in the rapid spread of stupidity.

While this unfortunate person is possibly going to have a difficult life ahead, it's hard to fathom that by this age they hadn't comprehended the dangers of setting one self on fire and not have the foresight to even plan to have a garden hose or bucket of water nearby.

I see as much failing in the parents for not being able to teach their children about these basic dangers. They're not setting any better examples with these idiotic ice bucket and other supposed "challenges" and publicizing it like some amazing achievement. And what do kids do except follow the examples of these supposed adults?


And since then we got the internet, that are supposed to make us all smarter,,,,,,,, but really thats not how it work for a great many of people.
I had to learn on the mean streets, and seeing a friend fall head first into a fire wearing a nylon winter jacket, and getting bad burns on both arms dident scare me.
But in the end i did burn my fingers enough to figure it out, and later on getting my smoke diver education and there have to go into 500 degree C rooms ( after hosing down door and walls to cool it a little )
Then you really feel what fire can do even when padded up really good.
I was charged with burning down a playground once, but it had no hold and was just a case of my reputation ruining it for me, and in the end the police dropped the case as they also should.

At 10 maybe even younger we was playing with Molotov ****tails at the above mentioned playground, but not burning stuff down, it all went on at the assigner fireplace.
You can pour gasoline on snow, light it, and then quickly pick it up form a ball and throw it.
my kids knew fire was dangerous by age 4.
I only had to see the words "Fire challenge" to have a reflex facepalm.
We live in an era in which people consider their feelings to be more important than facts, it isn't just becoming a an accepted attitude it is protected by law. When adults are so deluded and it's considered acceptable, is it any wonder that kids are acting irrationally. If you tell people "anything is possible" and "you can do anything you want" often enough, some will take it literally.
Darwin wasn't wrong...

Not trying to sound cold but my kids knew fire was dangerous by age 4. This girl was 12. No excuse.

When I was young there was usually a local walking example of 'don't play with fire'.

One kid a block away had some burns from playing with matches or smoking in a tent in his backyard.

An older kid managed to set himself on fire shooting off fireworks in a boat and the outboard engine gas tank cooked off.

A kid on my block i played with set a few forested empty lots on fire.

You have to survive long enough to get smart, and that is the job of parents to see that happen.

If the artist had gotten my profile right we would have been a good match, cuz my lower placed bulge on the front are at least as large as her higher located bulge.
Nooo,,,,,,,,, i mean the bulge above the pants line.
O and lets get the hight difference flipped, i like girls thats smaller than me even when propped up on the highest heeled shoes. :p
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thats shorter, and might i add harder than the test to become a Dane.
I am happy to tell i have even taken the test and i also passed it ( only just ) - 40 questions of which 32 must be correct.
Test is here but you will need google to translate it as its just in Danish of course, and while there you can maybe cheat and look for the right answerers.

On a frustrated but still happy note :) AMD just lowered the price on something i cant afford but really really would like to get ( threadripper processors of the first generation )
So now the 8 core / 16 thread threadripper part cost just about the same as the Ryzen 2700 i was planning to build on, so that can be made doable, but motherboard prices are still high for that socket :cry:
The most aggressive I've personally run into are Red-Winged Blackbirds. We have a healthy population around here and they seem to be very attracted to golf courses as nesting sites. It can really become a problem when multiple pairs decide to nest close to the same tee box or green.

Try messing with a Canadian Goose when it has a nest/young, they are absolutely unafraid of anything during that time! I had one peck me on the back of my leg and cut right through the skin!!
Geese are nasty indeed, a acquaintance of mine from back when we was young and dumb feared the geese another guy had, and in the end he snapped and bashed the head in on one of the geese with a hammer.
The latter pretty much was a attempt to get group validation, in the pretty fawked up group of people we was in, and for some in the group it worked, dident impress me though.
The common goose here are the grey goose, think its the same size as the Canadian one that are also here but rare. nasty bite on the suckers.