Pics that make you smile

Try messing with a Canadian Goose when it has a nest/young, they are absolutely unafraid of anything during that time! I had one peck me on the back of my leg and cut right through the skin!!
Yeah, we have them on the same golf courses as the blackbirds - makes for some 'interesting' golf. Fortunately for the most part they're pretty tolerant of golfers due to the constant exposure to them but you still have to make sure you don't get between an adult and the nest. Once the eggs hatch they seem more willing to share the space and the family will just move aside if you approach slowly.



Texas only i am told.
On ouR way to my wife's parents, we encountered this warning sign, saying "behind this sign Parking cost money", but there are NO parking spaces, it's in the middle of nowhere in farmland, AND there is NO payment Parking machine....... WHO THE ()^%( COMES UP WITH THAT?!?!?

If it is anything like Australia, they probably paid a lot of tax-payer money to public consultants for the government. The consultants then picked a random point on the map for them. These consultants are often friends of the government anyway.
whats that plate ???? Klingon ???
My initial thoughts are some where in the UAE but I can't place it.

I was too distracted thinking the dent looked like:

I think its Tibetan.
He can always say " I dident hear you coming" :)

O no waent that Van Gogh