Pics that make you smile

I hope one or two in my link makes you smile (or at least feel appreciative....

Just been having a quick play with a few of my photographs on Adobe's Portfolio (they include it with any Creative Cloud subscription (Lightroom CC, Photoshop CC) to which I subscribe, for editing my photos.

It's a clean format and simple in design.

My website (General & Macro Photography)

Very nice. I've never had much luck with real macros, but then I've never bought any real macro gear. I'm sure it's an addictive path.

My macro lens is brilliant. Unlike many branded lenses, it cost surprisingly little, but it is a full manual lens and requires a lot of patience and practice to use. None of this auto-focus and auto-exposure stuff.... Pure, do it it yourself set up!
My macro lens is brilliant. Unlike many branded lenses, it cost surprisingly little, but it is a full manual lens and requires a lot of patience and practice to use. None of this auto-focus and auto-exposure stuff.... Pure, do it it yourself set up!

Really enjoyed your photography Paul. Yes, I agree, manual macro lenses are the superior approach in my view. Provides much greater control and precision.
Cheers m8.

I'm waiting on a new ring flash to be released in a Canon-fit which should be sent to me for testing. It been delayed by 2 months already though...
Yes, I've seen a demo of a nice Canon AF macro lens with a ring flash and it's literally point and shoot and get stunning results more often than not. Don't even need a tripod.
My gear is the opposite end of the spectrum, mainly extenders and a very old M42 mount macro lens. The real hurdle I have is depth of field (a big problem when you can't step down!) I should get a ring flash or at least go outdoors, that would help a lot.

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With the over use of antibiotics it is estimated that within my lifetime ( and i am well into it ) people will start to die to the tune of 30 million annually due to multi resistant bacteria.

And regarding the anti depressives, you are only supposed to take those for a little while and then get out of it, but many people have been on them for a decade, and NO ! not only Danes.

PS. i do laugh at tree huggin vegans with multicolored hair, also make it pretty impossible for me to take them serious.
Go to "settings
Turn "Webcam" OFF
Go to "permissions"
Turn all permissions to access cam OFF
Go to hardware store, buy electrical tape, cover webcam.
Turn computer on knowing that only the electrical tape is guaranteed effective.

had to laugh at this email...

View attachment 41775

sadly, i didn't see this email for over a week so my 30 hours has expired. i guess my life can be ruined now.

I also received one of those scam emails a couple of months ago. I found it amusing enough that I kept it to show to a few friends. I've since learned that this is a pretty common scam that's been floating around for years now.
The guy only asked for half of what they wanted from you Gibson99 and he even claimed to have keylogged me and captured all my contacts. Got off cheap, I guess. :giggle:

BTW, this scam email came to an address I reserve for more casual and less secure purposes just because I expect to be the recipient of crap like this once in a while.

Still waiting to hear back from the guy.

If anyone wants to see a hilarious sendup of internet email scams check out Scamalot on YouTube. This guy, James Veitch engages with these idiots until they beg him to please stop emailing THEM!

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I don't even have a webcam!

You don't even need a web cam anymore. I'm watching you right now, right through your screen!! Quit playin' with yourself!!
If you don't PM me your credit card info and bank account numbers in the next 15 minutes, all hell is about to break loose! :troll::smuggrin: