Pics that make you smile

Now had i been standing there with those guys, perhaps the whole F35 deal we are getting would go down better with me.


That's not an angle I've seen before, but that does look like the place near Death Valley that's called "Jedi Transition" or "Star Wars Canyon". One of the best view points is right off the road, CA190, a place called "Father Crowley Overlook". This a kind of like the American version of the Mach Loop in Wales. The angle doesn't allow you to see much of the landscape so making a positive ID is hard, but it does look more like desert terrain than you would see at the Mach Loop. Cool place...

It is from Star Wars Canyon (y)
The Danish E- warriors did it again, Astralis win Faceit Major in London.

Some horrors, awes, stupidities, weird, funny and adorables in one quickview. (Dates and times in the video's may be incorrect).

I think i heard yesterday that the inflation in Venezuela are now at 1 million %

I will enter a measly 50 billion German mark bill, and urge people to remember that was the reason to and result of the German hyper inflation back then.



If you are not historical inclined i will give the answer here.

Reason = WW1, and post war winners greed and animosity
Result = WW2, freaking Nazis, and at least we learned a little from the previous war.

I should have some of that too.... really crazy
One day. One day soon...

That whole 'everyone is a winner' and 'there are no losers' works great in school. It's a different story after graduation when reality hits you like a baseball bat right between the eyes - and the over-protective parents can't figure out why poor Johnny needs years of psychological counseling just to make it from sun-up to sun-down.
That guy with the 194 days,,,, am i the only one that noticed he use 3 different phones