Pics that make you smile

I don't get the B&W trump one.
The your mamma one i do get.
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I wonder how many will get the reference...

A good question, apparently.

I don't get the B&W trump one.

That's Rod Serling, the creator and host of the Twilight Zone (TV series 1959 to 1964).
He would always appear in the opening scene of each show to present the story before it began.

As I understand, the above image was initially posted by Serling's daughter Anne on Twitter.

I got it, showed my brother and he looked at me blankly, I used to watch it (reruns) when I young, he's 49 but missed those by a couple of years so had no idea what it meant

To this day, it still airs as re-runs in various markets and the entire series is available on Amazon Prime, so many younger viewers are familiar with the show and it's auteur......and pretty much everyone I've ever met seems familiar with the reference to "The Twilight Zone".
I think only the newer color episodes of twilight Zone aired here in Denmark.
I think back when i was a kid and we just had the one national channel stuff like TZ was deemed too strong for the Danes, that one TV station was pretty conservative and it took a massive push from hippis before that changed, and then it turned 180 degrees in no time.

At first i taught it was some news anchor, but i could see that was not Walter Cronkite or any of the other guys of that period.
I do know the TZ theme "song" i think anyone do even if they don't know where it is actually from.
I think a story about a corrupt billionaire reality TV star who "may" have been installed as President of the United States by a hostile foreign government who went on to make 6420 false and misleading claims (and counting) would have made for a good Twilight Zone episode, except that everyone would have said it was too implausible. A Rod Serling story like that would surely end with a surprising twist along with some unique karmic justice.
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At least he say something.
I have noticed quite a few of Danish politicians seem to have a Lazy eye, i am wondering if they had a brain aneurysm or it might be a side effect of a chip implant to make sure what ever they do to brainwash Danes don't effect them self.

Like this guy.

It would not surprise me if Danes elect brain impaired people to represent them, i mean just look at him it is as if his head are made up of 2 people, actually i have nicknamed him Harvey two face :giggle:
Okay i look like that too but only due to a doctor cutting a nerve in my jaw when i went in for surgery there a few years ago.
It would not surprise me if Danes elect brain impaired people to represent them

Over here in the US, those are the only kinds we get to choose from :mad: The comedian Mojo Nixon described it as being able "to vote for one fool or another" and he was absolutely correct in that :(

A good question, apparently.

That's Rod Serling, the creator and host of the Twilight Zone (TV series 1959 to 1964).
He would always appear in the opening scene of each show to present the story before it began.

As I understand, the above image was initially posted by Serling's daughter Anne on Twitter.

View attachment 43453

The TZ was an interesting show as was the somewhat similar Outer Limits. Many of the actors that would go one to become household names appeared including Captain Kirk, William Shatner and Spock, Leonard Nimoy.

Going back a bit further to an old 50's Giant Bug Monster Movie "Them!", Leonard Nimoy had a small part in that as well. Sadly, not many of those actors are still with us...
