Pics that make you smile

natural progression to go from DeLoreans to SpaceX :)
Hopefully I'll be at SpaceX longer than I was at DMC - I was there just under a year before I quit and went back to Toyota. I honestly don't know how DMC is still in business; their management was... Let's just say it was bad.

Yeah, Musk can be a bit off sometimes, but Shotwell is the one really running the show at SpaceX, and crazy Musk tweets don't seem to affect SpaceX the way they can affect Tesla. I watched that entire Joe Rogan show with Elon - some really good conversations about all sorts of topics. They both drank a lot more whiskey than they smoked pot. Elon took one single puff, made a face, handed it back and said it wasn't really his thing. Of course the media just has to blow things out of proportion...

And here's an appropriate photo for this post

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At least it was DMC and not DMV :giggle:
Regarding Elon smoking then, well i am not really the one to say, and while i have seen pot make people creative, then for the most it is creative on a infantile level or at least not on a high level.
I cant really recommend anyone smoking anything not even recreational, i feel it was the biggest mistakes i have ever made personally.

DId you see the new heavy lift quadcopter ?
Pretty neat kit.
Well not all husbands are Tim the Toolman Tailor :)

I just parked beside a Mazda 323 that seemingly have been taking part in something called garbage run judging by the number sticker on it, was decked out in China LED bars and Ham radio antenna ASO.

I watched that entire Joe Rogan show with Elon - some really good conversations about all sorts of topics. They both drank a lot more whiskey than they smoked pot. Elon took one single puff, made a face, handed it back and said it wasn't really his thing. Of course the media just has to blow things out of proportion...

yep watched that also, I think the people that were shocked by all this never actually watched, I've watched a lot of the Joe Rogan shows, don't watch any of the MMA ones but the other stuff he does, not always easy to invest a few hours in watching something so it's generally spread over a period of days or playing on one screen while I'm doing stuff on the others, his long form interviews are great, very underrated I think
Hopefully I'll be at SpaceX longer than I was at DMC - I was there just under a year before I quit and went back to Toyota. I honestly don't know how DMC is still in business; their management was... Let's just say it was bad.

Yeah, Musk can be a bit off sometimes, but Shotwell is the one really running the show at SpaceX, and crazy Musk tweets don't seem to affect SpaceX the way they can affect Tesla. I watched that entire Joe Rogan show with Elon - some really good conversations about all sorts of topics. They both drank a lot more whiskey than they smoked pot. Elon took one single puff, made a face, handed it back and said it wasn't really his thing. Of course the media just has to blow things out of proportion...

And here's an appropriate photo for this post


Did you get the job at Space X, sitting on pins and needles here waiting to hear.
Did you get the job at Space X, sitting on pins and needles here waiting to hear.
I think it went well, and the tour of the facility was my favorite part - got to see a falcon heavy side booster laying on it's side from about 10 feet away - but the earliest I expect to hear anything is late next week. The guy who would be my boss said there was one more interview (presumably a different candidate), but even if they make me an offer, the pay and everything will have to be good enough. Having to sell a house where they're still building brand new in my neighborhood might not be so easy. That's my biggest concern - selling the house - since I'd have to move.
That Saturn 5 NASA have laying on its side at Johnson Space Center ,,,,,,, i really want to touch it.
And i cant rule out i might get a little freaky with one of those F1 engines. :geek:

And its not a mock up, it is the actual launch vehicle that would have been Apollo 18, so a chance to feel up a monumental thing like that, i would like very much.
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I think it went well, and the tour of the facility was my favorite part - got to see a falcon heavy side booster laying on it's side from about 10 feet away - but the earliest I expect to hear anything is late next week. The guy who would be my boss said there was one more interview (presumably a different candidate), but even if they make me an offer, the pay and everything will have to be good enough. Having to sell a house where they're still building brand new in my neighborhood might not be so easy. That's my biggest concern - selling the house - since I'd have to move.

I was so excited about you working for SpaceX that I never even considered moving and selling your house. Unfortunately we are in a housing slump, except for a few areas. Anyway I wish you the best of luck, Imagine having SpaceX on all resumes for other jobs. I am biased big time:cool:.
I watched the presentation video for SpaceX, fantastic:):cool:.
My dad had a 68 GTO with a bunch of mods including twin 4-barrel carbs. He said you could actually see the gas gauge move towards E while sitting at a red light.

Apparently I'm one of the reasons he had to sell the goat. :cautious:
I was so excited about you working for SpaceX that I never even considered moving and selling your house. Unfortunately we are in a housing slump, except for a few areas. Anyway I wish you the best of luck, Imagine having SpaceX on all resumes for other jobs. I am biased big time:cool:.
I watched the presentation video for SpaceX, fantastic:):cool:.
I already have Delorean on my resume, and I'm always asked about it in interviews. Friday was no exception :)

Yes the slump is a concern. Good for buyers but not sellers. Several of the new construction houses I've found online have been on the market for quite a while - one since March or April I think. So that could help me get the price down to get it off the builder's inventory, or at least make it sting a little less when I don't get as much for my house as I want. And interest rates are a bit higher than when I bought this house in 2016, so there's that too. :unsure:

Course it's all moot if I don't get an offer. I'm not holding my breath, though it is definitely encouraging to have gotten this far in the interview process. I had a minor heart attack opening my email today though:

Seeing the subject line and first line made my heart sink, but then I thought maybe someone was pranking me since it was apparently from someone named "hi". So I went ahead and opened it.

Turned out it's from the company SpaceX used to book my hotel! Maybe I should have told them about how it made me feel seeing that in my inbox in their survey...
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