Pics that make you smile


I hear that Mormons in Utah are learning Danish to go back to the old home land to preach that here.
Problem is while we are quite a free people in so many aspects, having several wife's are not on the Okay list, and they will find it damn hard to get the Danes to pick up that kind of living, that's actually why the was "forced" out if here and to the US to begin with.

Danes are "Christians" in the sense that most get baptised in a church and maybe confirmed as a teen, but when it come to going to church on a regular basis well not so much, and the fact we have a church tax ( if you are a member which i am not )
That's pretty embarrassing to me, and really to my just a good picture of how complacent and lazy we are, cuz why pay a tax for something you pretty much don't use, and it is after all around 450 USD annually or just shy of 1% of your income.

For me being a none member of the Official Danish church mean i can not get buried on a grave yard belonging to a church, which i couldent care less about, my plan are to get burned to a pile of ash, which i hope to get spread over international water, or at least not Danish water.
Poor girls,,,,, pro modified in humans are not the class to be in or with.
I am strictly pro AM, just like someones god made them and nothing else.
I cringe when i see a cute girl covered or at least spammed in tattoos, and its not just girls i think the same about men with too many tattoos.
To me its like say taking a cool old classic car and cover it in some outrageous paint job or stickers ( Janis Joplin's multi color car being okay ) make me go from hardly being able to keep my hands of it, to wanting to slap someone silly.
Don't get me wrong i respect peoples right to do what they please in this regard, i just think it is stupid.
I am pretty sure that if i come into a little lotto money, one of the first things i will do is to go and have my single 30 year old tattoo removed.
That most often do it :giggle:
stupid government shutdown

Yeah i don't get that one at all, government here cant shut itself down like that, put people working for government can go on strike, though government usually ruin that too.
So in essence Denmark appear to me to be some bastard form of multi person dictatorship disguised as a cute little democracy with a monarchy topping to look extra nice and cute.
It is funny really, i have a age where for all of my younger life you just dialed who ever you wanted to call, but i am fully aware of the days where you had to go thru a operator to phone someone.
But kids / people today don't seen to know diddly squat about anything older than 10 - 15 years.