Pics that make you smile

if they only fine you 100 rupees then it's no wonder people don't care about the rules in the first place. :rolleyes:

100 Rs is about $1.42 US... meanwhile here are the fines for common violations in Harris county, where Houston is located. They vary from area to area, but not TOO much.

View attachment 44694

Opening statement is incorrect, fines for over-speeding and dangerous driving are 400 and 1000 rupees. I agree though, fines should be a lot more than what they are currently at, people are a lot more disciplined when it hits the pocket more. Prime example being the 'Odd Even' scheme by the Delhi govt. 2500 rupees fines were enough to deter most, saw very few violators.

Here's what the fines look like here -
unsafe speed $135, that's a bargain

Speeding fines NSW

  • Up to 10km/h over the limit - $114 (one point)
  • From 10-20km/h over - $265 (three points)
  • From 20-30km/h over - $455 (four points)
  • From 30-45km/h over - $872 (five points)
  • More than 45km/h over - $2350 (six points)

it gets worse, the fines are doubled if it's a truck


I remember my friend in Perth calling the fines "ridiculous" but I guess that's what keeps people in check.

I hope the fines are increased but keeping in mind the earnings of the common man, who actually gets ticketed more often than the big flashy car/bike, it's just not possible to make the amounts astronomical. Sure way to not get elected...
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Germany, a place where you can exceed the limit by up to 20km/h without having to fear any consequences :D
FinePointsdriving ban (months)
up to 10 km/h15 €
11 – 15 km/h25 €
16 – 20 km/h35 €
21 – 25 km/h80 €1
26 – 30 km/h100 €10-1
31 – 40 km/h160 €21
41 – 50 km/h200 €21
51 – 60 km/h280 €22
61 – 70 km/h480 €23
over 70 km/h680 €23
The police had focus on speed the past weekend, and again they caught 2 dumb asses doing +180 km/h on a 80 km/h highway ( highways here are 2 lanes one in each direction )

For a that massive over-speed you loose the right to drive for at least 6 months, and you will have to retake the license again before you go driving again, and of course a fine too.

There are now talks about strengthening the law towards these massive dumb-asses, and i think its fine i think 6 years not driving are more in line, though often these idiots will then drive without a license, but that quickly lead to vehicle confiscation and jail time.

Up to 30% over-speed = fine
30 - 60% over-speed = bigger fine + 1 of 3 marks on license
60 - 100% over-speed = even bigger fine + 1 mark + conditional removal of license, meaning you have to pass a driving test within a few months or your license are taken until you pass that test.
+100% ( or at least 100 KM/h over the limit ) = unconditional removal of license, meaning loss of rights to drive in at least 6 months + a fine and then of course you have to retake the driving license. ( this mean all your licenses if you have several, so me for instance i will have to do car + truck + truck and trailer again, you cant just do car and have all your stamps back after such a deal )

ATM if you have your license taken unconditional, if you drive after all, then after getting caught 2 time within 3 years the car you drive in ( yours or not ) will be confiscated.
This need to change IMO, need to go strait to confiscation + maybe a time extension on your time before you are allowed to retake license + jail time

Some places like construction zone ASO give steeper fines + payment to victim fund.

I remember my friend in Perth calling the fines "ridiculous" but I guess that what keeps people in check.

I hope the fines are increased and but keeping in mind the earnings on the common man, who actually gets ticketed more often than the big flashy car/bike, it's just not possible to make the amounts astronomical. Sure way to not to get elected...

fines are half the price in Perth, if he didn't like those tell him not to move to Sydney :D

we also have double demerits in holiday periods where they double the points and fine values, don't see too many people driving crazy during the holidays

if the offence is bad enough you lose your car for a period of time, repeat offenders have their cars crushed

nanny state we live in
I i also forgot to say, young drivers ( 17 with supervision by adult or 18 alone ) you only have 2 marks to give on your license, this is it for the first 3 years you have your license ( and are young )
As a older drive you don't have this probation period with just 2 marks, same we have for motorcycles where you can only drive small ones if you are a new young MC driver, me as a old guy i can go get a MC license and go strait into a store and buy a 300 HP motorcycle.

PS. what go for small motorcycles here are mopeds in most of the countries around us.

PPS. i totally like for people to kill them self in any way they choose, as long as it don't endanger other people, the suicide booths that some times are in the Futurama cartoon, well i think we should have those in real life.
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Why it is good to have parking guard, cuz in that case caught.

I see drivers doing almost everything on that list everyday! Maybe if they changed all fines to the same as passing a school bus, behaviors might change.

In construction zones, fines are double (when workers are present).

Another thing is that if you're going more than 30mph over the limit, it's an automatic felony - go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Dunno for how long but your car will be impounded too which is a whole other can of worms.

Thankfully I've never experienced this. Years ago I was actually going 30 over in the little town of Refugio, TX (the G is pronounced like an R - go figure)... Cruise set at 95 in a 65, high beams on 99% of the time because there's nobody else around at 2am, and nothing but open farm fields on either side, so little chance of deer jumping out in front of me. When the cop said I was going 82, I didn't argue. I tried to be as cooperative as possible, showing him the empty soda cans I'd been drinking (and more full ones in my cooler), trying to stay awake to make it home to Houston. He thought I was drunk because my eyes were so bloodshot, but that just happens to me when I get tired. My wife thinks it's both gross and funny, but at least she knows I'm not lying when I say I'm tired. :)
My worst was 80MPH in a 50 zone clocked and locked on radar. The cop had been trying to catch up with me for awhile and said he had clocked someone doing 135 on the Interstate which I'd been on shortly before, and he thought that was me (and it was) but he hadn't seen me well enough to charge me with that. He was a gearhead and liked my GTX clone and my demeanor so I got ticketed for 60 instead with the minimum fine. When I'm lucky, I'm very lucky but that doesn't happen often. I figure I've used up all of my luck long ago so now I'm the slowest traffic on the road and happy this way :cool:

Here's SC law on speeding (note that Cities can and often do have increased fines):
(G) A person violating the speed limits established by this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction for a first offense, must be fined or imprisoned as follows:
(1) in excess of the above posted limit but not in excess of ten miles an hour by a fine of not less than fifteen dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars;
(2) in excess of ten miles an hour but less than fifteen miles an hour above the posted limit by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than fifty dollars;
(3) in excess of fifteen miles an hour but less than twenty-five miles an hour above the posted limit by a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than seventy-five dollars; (4) in excess of twenty-five miles an hour above the posted limit by a fine of not less than seventy-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars or imprisoned for not more than thirty days.

Clearly not much penalty for speeding here which coupled with lax enforcement outside of Cities means that nobody cares about getting a speeding ticket in SC :(

That eagle, that's me when a new dashcam hit my mailbox :)

Well, you wouldn't want to scratch the muzzle on the ground!
That photo was taken a few years back.
He is a JMPD officer ( a traffic officer)
Here is the article


  • Joburgs-dumbest-policeman.jpg
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Airlines must think we are really stupid.


Have you EVER tried to fasten a seatbelt when you were standing up?
NO ! if you did it would just be a belt, but i prefer to buy pants in the right size instead.