Pics that make you smile

Interesting how you've conveniently left off the last sentence of Stephen Hawking's quote. In his full statement he intentionally draws a stark contrast with traditional religious belief
I only wrote what was used in the song (which as it turns out was NOT Pink Floyd, but Juno Reactor) because that's what i remembered. i didn't know there was more to it. honestly i'm surprised i got that close since i was writing it 100% from memory!

Also, Jokiin is right that Pink Floyd used different Hawking quotes in Keep Talking.

This is the track where I heard the Hawking quote I wrote above. Blame Juno Reactor for not using the complete quote, not me.

Skip to 3:30 to hear where they put his voice. That's the only place in the entire track that has any words - the rest of it is ambient.
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Yeah when sick eat a lot of meat, overuse of penicillin are a thing in my country at least.
Yeah when sick eat a lot of meat, overuse of penicillin are a thing in my country at least.
antibiotic overuse is a thing everywhere. it's why we're starting to see antibiotic-resistant bugs now.

the two main ones i see used here are amoxacillin and cephalexin (i think)... i'm allergic to penicillin and sulfa meds so they can't use those blanket drugs on me.
Yeah its really bad, one of those things that just reaffirm me when i say " i am so glad i don't have any kids"
A kitchen on a major university here have just been closed, it seem like the scientists and students there was eating in a germ bomb, extremely poor cleaning of the kitchen and related areas.
Kitchen manager also fired.
And unrelated another cyclist died yesterday in my birth town, seem like after a visit to the local amusement park the guy fell sick or something while on the bicycle and tumbled onto the road right in front of a car.
Denzel is the coolest :LOL: (y)
Nanning, China. Lady pays $30,000 for assigned parking space at condo/apartment. Doesn't move in for months, finds out too late for a refund her car will fit in the space she bought, but she has to enter or exit it through the sunroof.

It is a,,,,,,,, something world