Pics that make you smile

Not easy to remain optimistic, at least not with a open mind.
My wife has dyslexia which has been slightly problematic, she's a Social Worker & writes a lot of reports. However, the computer does help her out no end, by highlighting misspellings and, sometimes, words out of context. For anything important, she generally gets me to cast a quick eye over her work (I've worked for various Government departments over the years so I'm covered by various secrecy rules).
But, I've noticed more and more, how many are employed in the signwriting industry that are churning out signs with bad spellings. On the rear of a brand new bus, I noticed part of its route was Bicsester (Bicester). I took a still from my dashcam & sent it to the company - who weren't planning to replace the stick on signs anytime soon. If I'd just paid out a fortune for signs to be printed & stuck on the back of my fleet, I'd want them to be correct.
A local Grammar school had a summer fete & put up a huge banner along its roadside fence, telling the world that the fete was to be held at the Grammer school. After my email, they trimmed the bottom line to remove the mistake. The fact that the banner was on their fence was a good indication of where the fete was being held.
A local shop put up a banner advertising their new range of oak dinning furnature.
There are signs all over advertising a regular car boot sale at the local collage.
My wife has dyslexia which has been slightly problematic, she's a Social Worker & writes a lot of reports. However, the computer does help her out no end, by highlighting misspellings and, sometimes, words out of context. For anything important, she generally gets me to cast a quick eye over her work (I've worked for various Government departments over the years so I'm covered by various secrecy rules).
But, I've noticed more and more, how many are employed in the signwriting industry that are churning out signs with bad spellings. On the rear of a brand new bus, I noticed part of its route was Bicsester (Bicester). I took a still from my dashcam & sent it to the company - who weren't planning to replace the stick on signs anytime soon. If I'd just paid out a fortune for signs to be printed & stuck on the back of my fleet, I'd want them to be correct.
A local Grammar school had a summer fete & put up a huge banner along its roadside fence, telling the world that the fete was to be held at the Grammer school. After my email, they trimmed the bottom line to remove the mistake. The fact that the banner was on their fence was a good indication of where the fete was being held.
A local shop put up a banner advertising their new range of oak dinning furnature.
There are signs all over advertising a regular car boot sale at the local collage.

I am NOT going into those rooms :eek:
My friend invited me to his church for a thanksgiving service, and he got me to sit at the front row.

When it was time for offering, they passed a basket around. Despite the Pastor's request for good offering, I still hurriedly and secretly pulled out $1 from my pocket and quickly dropped it in the basket. Just then, the person behind me tapped me on the shoulder and handed me 2 $100 notes.
I smiled, and thought he was so generous. Then majestically, I looked around and put the 2 $100 notes in the basket and passed it on. Then I turned and thanked the man seriously for being so generous.

He replied: "Don't mention. Be more careful next time. It fell from your pocket."
Hawking once said, (and pink Floyd used this in a song) "if the universe had a beginning, we can suppose it had a creator. But if the universe is completely self-contained, having no boundary or end, it can neither be created, nor destroyed. It would simply be."
Hawking once said, (and pink Floyd used this in a song) "if the universe had a beginning, we can suppose it had a creator. But if the universe is completely self-contained, having no boundary or end, it can neither be created, nor destroyed. It would simply be."

Interesting how you've conveniently left off the last sentence of Stephen Hawking's quote. In his full statement he intentionally draws a stark contrast with traditional religious belief.


As an atheist Hawking was scrupulous in separating his work as a theoretical physicist from the doctrines of organized religion, stating that, “the miracles of religion 'aren’t compatible' with scientific fact”. He went further stating, “Before we understand science, it is natural to believe that God created the universe. But now science offers a more convincing explanation.”

If Hawking were still alive he would surely have bristled at such a patronizing remark from the likes of Franklin Graham.
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There have always been people wanting to inject divine,,,,, something, into things, and people trying the opposite to make breathtaking spectacles mundane or coincidental.
I am also a atheist, but i must at times stand at awe of what nature and people are able to do / display.
Stephens playground ( the universe ) are one of a few things i don't understand much off, but still find immensely fascinating, even if much of it are "math" and i am barely able to add up 2 + 2.
Lately i have been into entropy - infinity and quantum entanglement,,,,,,, all of which i really only understand the bare minimum or less of, but still my mind gravitate towards it.

Most other things if i don't understand them pretty well, then i just ignore them.
Probably also why school was such a trauma for me, cuz really none of that was something my mind was geared towards, and that go from actually being forced to be there, to be forced to learn things with no explanation as to why things worked in that way.
There are very few things,,,, like languages my mind can just learn for no reason, but for the most i need to have closure on things and know why things are / work the way they do.
Which i recon are also why much of my childhood was spent taking things apart.
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Hawking once said, (and pink Floyd used this in a song) "if the universe had a beginning, we can suppose it had a creator. But if the universe is completely self-contained, having no boundary or end, it can neither be created, nor destroyed. It would simply be."
think it was part of a different Hawking quote that was used by Pink Floyd, from the song Keep Talking