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Every time i go down on a 1/3 gallon jug of orange juice i feel a little bad, no oranges grow anywhere near where i live, so they have a high transport load.
I think that there is an electric railway between Spain and Denmark, and your electricity comes from wind power, so transportation of your orange juice can easily be zero CO2?

Cars won't ever be "pollution-free"- there's always going to be pollution in their making, use, and disposal. The best we can achieve is to alter the forms and amounts of pollution being made. Wind and solar energy are touted as solutions but suffer similar problems, and they alter our environment in different ways which we really don't know the effects of yet.
Doing anything alters the environment, but small changes to the environment are really not important compared to the big issue of CO2 and other greenhouse gasses warming the entire Earth towards a point that we, or our children, will not be able to survive. There are ways that we can stop producing that CO2 and solve the problem, France has for many decades been producing all their electricity without releasing CO2, they use nuclear, Denmark now has over 100% wind power on many days, the UK is about to close down its last coal fired power station and has halved the fossil fuel used for power stations in the last 6 years, largely replaced by wind power. We now recycle the majority of materials used to build cars, so those cars can become very close to pollution free, and certainly close enough to save the planet from the big problem. Fully electric cars are now available, reasonably cheap, perfectly practical, have performance that exceeds most fossil fueled cars, and are a lot cheaper on fuel. The only thing holding them back is that they are still a little more expensive than the fossil fueled dinosaurs.
Not much electrified rail here, there are some mostly on zeeland around the capitol, the new light rail in Aarhus are also electric but none of the major railway lines over here are electric.
There have been talks about it, but with amputated democracy talks most often remain talks and don't change into deeds.
Not much electrified rail here, there are some mostly on zeeland around the capitol, the new light rail in Aarhus are also electric but none of the major railway lines over here are electric.
There have been talks about it, but with amputated democracy talks most often remain talks and don't change into deeds.
We have new hybrid trains here this year, when they are on electrified track they run on electric, when the wires stop they switch to dirty diesel and slow down. Cheaper and faster to run on wind powered electricity, but for some reason I don't understand there is reluctance to electrify all the track.
Me looking at myself in the mirror this morning. :unsure:
So yesterday i was at my nieces house to do some electrician work i really deemed too complicated for myself, but i managed to get it to work and only blew a fuse 2 times, and dident get shocked myself once.
So when i got home in the evening i spent 2 house in front of the computer before i went to bed, but as i wanted to stand up my left knee that was flawless 2 hours ago was suddenly painful when i wanted to extend my leg the last few degrees to full extension.
And waking up this morning nothing have changed, and i am like HTF can a knee go out of whack by sitting on a chair for 2 hours, and why is it only a problem for the last few degrees of the knee, and otherwise no pain or discomfort at all.
The white cliffs of Dover are made of their calcium carbonate skeletons.
What do you think after seeing this new information?
When the white cliffs of Dover were formed, the UK was entirely below sea level, as was the majority of the Earth since the sea was 200 meters deeper than today, I would not want to go back to that situation.
I wouldn't even want to go back to the climate situation 1000 years ago, and certainly not 10000 years ago when most of UK was buried under ice several Km thick.
It is very easy to change the climate, we need to keep it within a range we can survive, and preferably a range that we can enjoy, recently it has been good for my part of the world, and will stay good for many years into the future, however we have reached the point where we need to urgently make big changes to our emissions otherwise we will end up with something very undesirable, act now and we can maybe keep things under control and nice, but we really do need to act now.
We humans are resilient critters, but compared to bacteria we are are very fragile, and compared to the parasites we like to emulate we also fall short.
We can be sure the very rich of us will be alright no matter how bad it get, as seen in a range of disaster movies.

People believing in reincarnation, and climate problems must be quite frustrated over the prospect for their coming life's.
Unless that's a peer-reviewed paper, I call BS.
I don't really care if they can show that climate change is 100% natural, the 3Km thick ice that was on top of my current location 10000 years ago was almost entirely natural. What is required is that we control the climate to our benefit and make it unnatural, because currently it is heading in an undesirable direction, it is absolutely proven that the ice sheets are melting all around the earth, and that if it continues then we will be in trouble.
What do you think after seeing this new information?

After seeing this "new information" I think your post is one of the most demonstrably bogus and downright risible things you've ever tried to pass off here, @country_hick, and considering some of the other uninformed and misinformed political claptrap you like to indulge in, that's really saying something!

Your idea with this post here seems to be that if you throw a whole lot of bullsh*t at the wall some of it might stick. The problem though is that virtually everything being presented by all of your sources is biased opinion, misinformation, innuendo, insinuation, conspiracy theory and outright falsehoods spinkled with a few actual facts that are woefully out of context with the subject at hand, such as the notion that C02 levels during the Devonian period in the Paleozoic era 400 million years ago throughout the formative epoch of life on earth somehow has any practical connection to our current environmental circumstances.

Anyone who takes the time to apply a little critical thinking and analysis to the sources linked in your post or looks carefully and discerningly at the misinformation and political bias being presented here will have a hard time not bursting into raucous laughter.

Let's take a look at the sources for all the links you provide.

First you post a quote, "Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming' is a complete hoax and science lie" brought to us by an outfit called

According to Wikipedia, - Natural - "Natural News (formerly NewsTarget, which is now a separate sister site) is a conspiracy theory and fake news website.[2] The website sells various dietary supplements, promotes alternative medicine, tendentious nutrition and health claims,[3] fake news,[4][5][6] and espouses various conspiracy theories.[7] "

Then you go on the cite this so called, "No Climate Emergency letter 500 Scientists claim to have submitted to UN". The letter itself is nothing more than a political screed that offers not one fact, reference, scientific paper or other documentation to back up its claim and most of the so called "prominent scientists" who've participated are anything but that and many of whom are not even connected to the discipline of climate science research.

As for any scientific claims actually put forth by these 500 "Clintel scientists" asserting that no climate emergency exists, critical analysis demonstrates otherwise: - "Letter signed by “500 scientists” relies on inaccurate claims about climate science"

Analysis of "There is no climate emergency"
Published in, by Alberto Prestininzi, Benoit Rittaud, Christopher Monckton, Fritz Vahrenholt, Guus Berkhou, Ingemar Nordin, Jeffrey Fos, Jim O'Brien, Morten Jodal, Reynald du Berger, Richard Lindzen, Rob Lemeire, Terry Dunleavy, Viv Forbes on 23 Sep. 2019

Six scientists analyzed the letter and estimate its overall scientific credibility to be 'very low'.
A majority of reviewers tagged the article as: Biased, Cherry-picking, Inaccurate, Misleading.

Let's now consider the video you posted which discusses this "Letter signed by 500 scientists" which to reiterate, is nothing more that a political screed full of highly biased opinion but no actual facts.

This slim-on-facts propaganda video is the production of a group called "Friends of Science". Well, just who is "Friends of Science"?

According to Wikipedia (and other sources)

Friends of Science (FoS) is a non-profit advocacy organization based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The organization rejects the established scientific conclusion that humans are largely responsible for the currently observed global warming. Rather, they propose that "the Sun is the main direct and indirect driver of climate change," not human activity. They argued against the Kyoto Protocol. The society was founded in 2002 and launched its website in October of that year. They are largely funded by the fossil fuel industry.

Then you go on to cite an article published by an outfit called "Watts Up With That" called "Life on Earth was nearly doomed by too little CO2" by a guy named Dennis T. Avery. Wikipedia has a few factoids worth considering about this fellow:

"Avery is an outspoken supporter of biotechnology, pesticides, irradiation, industrial farming, and free trade, as well as a long-time critic of organic farming and farm subsidies. He does not believe that DDT causes egg shell thinning in eagles."He works for the Hudson Institute, a conservative "think tank" and policy advocate. Hudson Institute's financial backers include major agricultural companies (e.g. ConAgra, Cargill) and pesticide manufacturers (e.g. Monsanto Company, DuPont, Dow-Elanco, Sandoz, Ciba-Geigy.

"Watts Up With That", the link you posted with Dennis T. Avery's opinion piece is described by Media/Fact Check, an organization that objectively analyses the veracity of both left and right wing news outlets as: CONSPIRACY-PSEUDOSCIENCE

"Overall, we rate Watts Up with That a strong pseudoscience and conspiracy website based on the promotion of consistent human influenced climate denialism propaganda."

"Watts Up With That" - is run by a guy named Anthony Watts. He is a blogger and professional climate change denier who often works under the auspices of the Hudson Institute. The Heartland Institute is a right wing conservative and libertarian think tank and propaganda organization that funded his site and "promotes climate change denial, advocates for smoker's rights, for the privatization of public resources including school privatization, for school vouchers, for lower taxes and against subsidies and tax credits for individual businesses, and against an expanded federal role in health care, among other issues". In the 1990s, before adopting their industry funded climate change denial the Heartland Institute worked with the tobacco company Philip Morris to attempt to discredit the health risks of secondhand smoke and to lobby against smoking bans.

And finally you link to the article "Apollo Astronaut: Climate Alarmism Is the ‘Biggest Fraud in the Field of Science’, published by the web site - (who's motto is "the right news, right now")

Media/Fact Check's analysis of describes the site as a "QUESTIONABLE SOURCE" - "A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis."

So, what you've served up here @country_hick is a big smelly spoonful of extreme right wing spin and climate change denial propaganda coupled with virtually no relevant actual scientific facts.

In today's world of fake news and propaganda on the internet it is vital to discern who is behind it and what their true agenda may be.
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Once again Country Hick insists on pushing bull**** and posts obvious fake news sources to justify the bull**** he pushes. Country Hick can't seem to go very long without posting utter nonsense and passing it off as science fact. In this day we are to believe that truth and science are wrong and that lies and propaganda are truth -- it's like every day is opposite day!

For those that say wind power doesn't work, the UK has recently approved 2 new wind farms, each capable of producing similar power to two average nuclear power stations using the following turbines, diagram obviously designed for USA people - blade sweep measured in "American football fields", I don't know how big 7 American football fields is! They will produce the UK's cheapest electricity, price already agreed to be cheaper than any source we have today.

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When we will have too many turbines the wind will stop. :LOL:

When we will have too many turbines the wind will stop. :LOL:

Wind doesn't stop, just slows down and becomes turbulent, which causes water to condense into clouds which reflect the sunlight back into space and cools the planet:

When we will have too many turbines the wind will stop. :LOL:

No, the added resistance of the wind pushing on the turbines will affect the earth's rotation (either faster or slower depending on the wind direction) causing the days to get longer or shorter. This will be a financial boon for the watch, clock and calendar manufacturers so plan your investments accordingly. (y) :ROFLMAO:
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American professional football field dimensions:

Length: 360 feet or 120 yards

Width: 160 feet or 53 1/3 yards
Ahh, so to put one turbine blade on an american football field. it would have to be placed across the diagonal, and it takes the width of 14 american football fields to span the circumference of the blade sweep.