Pics that make you smile

Yeah the turbines are getting almighty big, compared to the old ones that used to make flour to our grand parents.
Or in case of the Dutch, keep the water out of their country.

Still go wrong just as spectacular, this is one of the big ones that caught fire in 2017 at our wind turbine test center at a town caller Osterild, that big you can see the "facepalm" for miles around.

PS. The fire was caused by damage to the converter module during install, the turbine is a V164 / 9.5MW that use to be the big wopper of wind turbines.
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Yeah the turbines are getting almighty big, compared to the old ones that used to make flour to our grand parents.
Or in case of the Dutch, keep the water out of their country.
And they are probably still small!

Wind speed increases significantly with height, so being taller makes far more power, and more reliable power.
Efficiency also increases with size, allowing them to generate power at lower wind speeds, which is very important for a reliable power source.
Windturbines, that is for generating power was first done by a Dane named Poul la Cour in 1890.
The V 164 / 9.5 MW turbine remain the king untill the GE Haliade- X comes to the market.

I don't think there are any plans here to go bigger than the V164, but i have heard some wispers of them maybe getting a HW upgrade to boost their output, but probably not over the claimed 12 MW of the Haliade X model.

PS, For GM to be able to make that turbine, they had to buy Danish LM wind power, that make wind turbine blades.
Ahh, so to put one turbine blade on an american football field. it would have to be placed across the diagonal, and it takes the width of 14 american football fields to span the circumference of the blade sweep.

Yeah, that sounds about right. It's remarkable what is being done with carbon fiber these days.

And with Tesla's mass battery storage technology such as what has been deployed at South Australia's Hornsdale windfarm there can be base load storage for wind pwer. Apparently, the batteries not only work really well but they are rapidly paying themselves back by feeding power back into the grid when called upon to take over when coal fired plants go unintentionally offline.⅓-of-its-cost/


If i win the lottery big, i am getting one or more of those tesla batteries for my house,,,, i will also get solar and a small wind turbine, and if i can i will not be selling excess power back to the grid.
And i will also get a diesel backup generator.
Windturbines, that is for generating power was first done by a Dane named Poul la Cour in 1890.
The V 164 / 9.5 MW turbine remain the king untill the GE Haliade- X comes to the market.

I don't think there are any plans here to go bigger than the V164, but i have heard some wispers of them maybe getting a HW upgrade to boost their output, but probably not over the claimed 12 MW of the Haliade X model.

PS, For GM to be able to make that turbine, they had to buy Danish LM wind power, that make wind turbine blades.
As always, the good small companies get bought up by the big companies, and the poor small companies die.
Those Haliade X blades are being destruction tested in Scotland by a UK company that was recently bought out, but then most decent UK companies are foreign owned by the time they start making decent money!

I've not heard of anything in the pipeline greater than 12MW, but the basic science says that like memory cards, the next step is a 16MW model. The difficulty is constructing them, we have gone past using cranes, we now need special purpose ships, but those ships are still relatively small and can easily be made big enough for 16 and 32MW models if the money is available, and the money is available now we are ordering 6GW wind farms. Doubling the blade length gives something like 6x the electricity, massive economy of scale.

It's remarkable what is being done with carbon fiber these days.
Glass fibre rather than carbon, they don't need to be lightweight, no need to accelerate fast, in fact some inertia is good.

Not convinced that those Tesla batteries make sense for a multi-GW windfarm, need something on a different scale.
We Danes also do a lot of carbon fiber, for various US war things, but here we get shipped what is needed to do it and then Terma do the work.
Also wondering when Terma will get bought up, they have a substantial knowledge those guys in war stuff and space stuff.
Actually i have heard when the Americans went to the moon, they needed very accurate star maps to navigate by, and guess who they called upon for that,,,,, yes the Danes that barely have something you can call a telescope even by 50 - 60ties standard.

F35 will not get off the ground if it wasent for stuff made here in Denmark, but it is stuff the Americans could just as well make them self.
Glass fibre rather than carbon, they don't need to be lightweight, no need to accelerate fast, in fact some inertia is good.

Not convinced that those Tesla batteries make sense for a multi-GW windfarm, need something on a different scale.

Tesla states that their grid Powerpack system is "infinitely scalable and modular" so I guess it could be built to accommodate GW scale systems. Then again, something like that may not be practical even if it could work due to amount of land it would require. Perhaps something at that scale could be built on multi-levels like a tall building? These are very early days in the arc of this technology.

"The Powerpack system scales to the space, power and energy requirements of any site, from small commercial businesses to regional utilities. It can be configured in various arrangements, offering far more modularity than competing models."
Windturbines, that is for generating power was first done by a Dane named Poul la Cour in 1890.
Seems that he was actually the 3rd, first was James Blyth in Scotland.


Thats why i always try my best to stay away from poostorms, no matter how valid i think the subject are.
I much prefer the hands on and active / physical mob instead, at least you can see who are with you if you kick out those Antifa and other masked losers.
I would rather watch dry walling that doing it, last time was around 2006, and the guy wanted double layer of dry wall, and the mounting screws placed at millimeter accuracy, even on the bottom layer no one would ever see.

Then again it is nice to work with professionals, and that house was renovated and expanded on in A++ style.
I have just filed a complaint about a police chief denying a legitimate party to have its first national convention, this here as elsewhere are a basic right and the fact that the party founder have death threats from Muslims and left wingers cant be used to stop this,neither can the shamefull lack of police men here.

You got to fight.
For your right.
To,,,,,,,,,,,,, beeeee free.