Pics that make you smile

Maybe I just need to unsubscribe from this thread so I don't keep getting notified of all these posts that are just a bunch of talky-talky and no pics.

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Your privilege to do so.

Periodic "talky-talky" will very likely persist! ;)
Yes, unsubed from this thread. It's unfortunate when a thread with interesting and funny pics that maybe help make someones day go better turns to a politics or climate change thread

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Yes, unsubed from this thread. It's unfortunate when a thread with interesting and funny pics that maybe help make someones day go better turns to a politics or climate change thread

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You'll be back. In fact, you won't be able to stay away for long, if at all! :smuggrin:

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Thats a methane capture devise on the cow, seem silly as you would have to drill a hole in your cow, and empty the bladder on its back when it is full.
And then you still have to figure out what to do with the methane, just burning it i don't think work but maybe make it into something less aggressive.

There is 1 night in the 2 week forecast with -1 deg C or so, and so far i think the max have been -7 for a single night, so it will have to be really still water to freeze over, and with a very thin layer of ice.
But the average so far have been 1 night with a little frost every 2 weeks, so far from the weather of my youth where you could go skating on frozen lakes for weeks on end, and the really hard winters you could drive your car on the ice on Aarhus bay, and that's saltwater.

I also think the 2-3 icebreakers we had are sold off or scrapped / belay that they are laid up and awaiting a buyer as of August last year.

Both are as old as myself, so mid 60ties when they was launched.

Global warming indeed.

Last so called icewinters here was 2009-10 and 2010-11, but then the icebreakers did not have to enter service as ships are now so powerful they don't need the assistance with the levels of ice we see here now.

The winters 1941- 42 and 1947- 48 was so bad all small islands here you could walk or ride a horse and cart to the mainland to get supplies.
Pushing/pulling a boat with the supplies was also common back then for remote islanders.

I dont complain, i have been the unofficial world champion in off topic since 1999, but trust me if i dident restrain my fingers and meandering brain it would be much worse.
they do however seem to make good progress on modified cows that don't burp methane.
Cows have been producing methane for millions of years, and since it breaks down in the atmosphere with a half life of only 12 years, the only way to increase the amount is to continually increase the number of cattle. Since we have exterminated all the wild cows and a lot of the other ruminants too, I'm not convinced that methane from cows is a real issue, only a way of avoiding reducing fossil fuel use for a few more years.

The UK solution is to feed them only on seaweed, which apparently avoids all methane emissions!
Cows have been producing methane for millions of years, and since it breaks down in the atmosphere with a half life of only 12 years, the only way to increase the amount is to continually increase the number of cattle. Since we have exterminated all the wild cows and a lot of the other ruminants too, I'm not convinced that methane from cows is a real issue, only a way of avoiding reducing fossil fuel use for a few more years.

The UK solution is to feed them only on seaweed, which apparently avoids all methane emissions!

Well, so far seaweed has been shown to reduce methane emissions in cows but not eliminate all emissions!

In any event in a 2006 United Nations' Food and Agricultural Organization report, it claims that the livestock sector, most of which are cows, "generates more greenhouse gas emissions as measured in CO2 equivalent – 18 percent – than transport." According to a Danish study, the average cow produces enough methane per year to do the same greenhouse damage as four tons of carbon dioxide.

There are 1.4 billion cattle in the world, and that number is growing as demand for beef and dairy increases; together with other grazing animals, they contribute about 40 percent of the annual methane budget.
Well, so far seaweed has been shown to reduce methane emissions in cows but not eliminate all emissions!

In any event in a 2006 United Nations' Food and Agricultural Organization report, it claims that the livestock sector, most of which are cows, "generates more greenhouse gas emissions as measured in CO2 equivalent – 18 percent – than transport." According to a Danish study, the average cow produces enough methane per year to do the same greenhouse damage as four tons of carbon dioxide.

There are 1.4 billion cattle in the world, and that number is growing as demand for beef and dairy increases; together with other grazing animals, they contribute about 40 percent of the annual methane budget.
But is that an increase over the methane production of wild beasts 10,000 years ago in the last ice age when the best known and maybe the most common herbivore in the northern hemisphere was the Mammoth?

Mammoths were much larger relatives of elephants, and methane production by elephants is legendary:

Elephants are non-ruminant herbivores. They do not chew cud, ruminate or belch as ruminant animals (e.g. cattle, bison, goats, deer) do. Instead they produce methane gas – LOTS AND LOTS OF GAS. Properly equipped, a car could travel 20 miles on the amount of methane produced by one elephant in a single day.




How i remember my 9.5 years of school.

On the internet i often feel like that.

To be single have some advantages.

Words,,,,,,,,,, AIR !

That member of the village dogs.
But is that an increase over the methane production of wild beasts 10,000 years ago in the last ice age when the best known and maybe the most common herbivore in the northern hemisphere was the Mammoth?

Mammoths were much larger relatives of elephants, and methane production by elephants is legendary:

Climate scientists and environmental organizations all over the world point to methane produced by agricultural ruminants as a significant (and increasing) factor in contributing to climate change that must be addressed sooner than later. The last several decades have seen a dramatic increase in global livestock production and meat consumption as living standards have increased in many economies around the world and this trend (among others) is causing an alarming increase in agricultural methane emissions. While your claim that methane breaks down in the atmosphere with a half life of only 12 years is essentially true, it is a much more potent greenhouse gas than C02 as it warms the atmosphere much more rapidly and thus is a more pressing area of concern as these emissions continue to rise. What is your point in arguing about extinct Woolly Mammoths from 10,000 years ago? I suspect this is more about your habitual knee jerk tendency to engage in gratuitous pissing matches rather than in engaging in any form of meaningful dialogue.
I think it is one of the spearhead arguments of the vegans, along with the acreage it take to grow food for those animals to eat.
And it sort of make sense but i am not going off meat, i might get off beef, but pork and chicken i must insist on, and then they can have their weeds and granola.

Gasoline here are now E10 meaning it is 7.5% ethanol, this can be a issue for the aging cars Danes drive, but should only be lethal for about 5% of cars here.

On the other hand, here there also is a debate to reward kids that do their school work with cash rewards,,,,,,, that's how sick my country are now,,,,,,,, when i was a kid your ass god kicked by teachers and your parents, and you got squat for doing your work.
People even participating in thos debate i feel like kicking their ass.
You'll be back. In fact, you won't be able to stay away for long, if at all! :smuggrin:

View attachment 50110
Nope, I'm on a couple other web forums that have similar pic threads but they don't get into politics, religion, etc. discussions in them. No need to come back to this one.

Only reason I'm back here now is because I had a notification that you quoted me.

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This isn't the place for meaningful dialog. Read the topic.

But it happens and that has been the case since all the way back to when this thread began in 2014.

I see you are yet another member who has virtually nothing to contribute but is highly opinionated about what others do contribute around here. Personally, unlike you but like a few other members here, I've probably contributed more interesting, funny or amusing images and videos than most other members combined. If I have something to say in response to another member, I will speak my mind. It's a the "off topic" sub-forum, no less! Keep in mind, I'm not even the one who brought up the whole climate discussion in the first place.

@cryppie, I certainly do like the idea of you and Goofeyguy going elsewhere. Don't let any meaningful dialogue hit you in the ass on the way out! ;)
What is your point in arguing about extinct Woolly Mammoths from 10,000 years ago?
For USA, we could take Bison 300 years ago, Bison produce similar methane to cows, and current numbers of cows + Bison in USA are only about double the numbers 300 years ago and appear to be dropping slightly. Cows are a renewable resource, not fossil fuel, they form part of the carbon cycle, not an extra, the carbon dioxide and methane they produce has been removed from the atmosphere, they are carbon neutral over the complete cycle.

For USA, we could take Bison 300 years ago, Bison produce similar methane to cows, and current numbers of cows + Bison in USA are only about double the numbers 300 years ago and appear to be dropping slightly. Cows are a renewable resource, not fossil fuel, they form part of the carbon cycle, not an extra, the carbon dioxide and methane they produce has been removed from the atmosphere, they are carbon neutral over the complete cycle.


It is utter nonsense to talk about animals producing methane 300 years ago long before the carbon cycle became so out of whack. We now have industrial stockyards and industrial farming of not only cows but also swine production far exceeding anything from previous centuries. We are now at a stage in the climate crisis where every source of greenhouse gases must come under scrutiny, especially as the global population continues to increase.