Pics that make you smile

And i will agree with our oversea brothers on the isle that there are something up with EU too, and one would be smart to remove one self from that.
Don't worry, Borris has invited the EU (including you) to join us, although your Danish fishing boats can only have access to our fish if our fishing boats don't want all of what is available:
"And under such an agreement, there would be annual negotiations with the EU, using the latest scientific data, ensuring that British fishing grounds are first and foremost for British boats."

Going to be interesting to see if the EU gives in!
"The question is whether we agree a trading relationship with the EU comparable to Canada’s – or more like Australia’s."
(Australia doesn't have any deal with the EU.)

(OK, not actually a "pic", but it's not often I smile when watching a politician give a speech!)
A supermarket chain here in the SE USA sells it's own brand of bottled water. Their cheap "purified drinking water" is just city water from Asheville NC the same as every house and business there gets, but lots of people drink it thinking that they're getting something special :rolleyes: They also think they're saving money because it costs less than 1/4 of what the national brands do when actually they're probably paying at least 500 times as much as the water cost the supermarket, bottles and all :ROFLMAO:

HAHA zero all the way around,,,, i wonder what their reasoning are for not do that the same with the other numbers.
HAHA zero all the way around,,,, i wonder what their reasoning are for not do that the same with the other numbers.
I guess it was faked; why would you go all the way on zero if you hadn't worked out how it works.
I also don't understand why they kept lifting the handset, they appeared to know (incorrectly) that reset it, but why would you think that before you even knew there is a switch under the handset?
we've gone from bushfires to floods now, not all bad news though, the rain put out an out of control fire that had been burning for 74 days

bushfire plan.png

surfs up.jpg

this just up the road from my place

heathcote road holsworthy.jpg
Hope the fires don't get you now, because evacuating along that road is going to be difficult!

I finally found a good explanation of your government's claims of meeting its climate change commitments, which never made sense to me since your PM was claiming that he had reduced emissions below the targets, when the graphs show an increase!

A bit depressing:

Of course there is no chance of actually reaching the 2020 target now, since the bushfires have released more CO2 over the last year than the UK total, and your PM was using the CO2 absorbed by planting of trees to claim reaching the targets!
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I finally found a good explanation of your government's claims of meeting it's climate change commitments, which never made sense to me since your PM was claiming that he had reduced emissions below the targets, when the graphs sho
you can easily tell when a politician is lying, their lips are moving
your PM was using the CO2 absorbed by planting of trees to claim reaching the targets!
CO2 absorption by living matter such as trees can not work to remove CO2 in the long term. Every living thing will eventually die. After it dies it decomposes and that decomposition releases CO2 back into the atmosphere. The fires only sped up the re-release of CO2 from that vegetation. 5,000 years from now all that CO2 would have been released back into the atmosphere. The fire just sped up the process.
We had some major storms and flooding here on Thursday. A few bridges in the area washed out and a few roads did too, plus there was a tornado about 40 miles from here. The road I usually take to get home here was closed so I had to take a longer route which was close to being flooded too. I've not seen as much water on the roads around here ever before, places where the outer lanes only tend to flood were completely covered with running water. Saturday we got a couple inches of snow but the roads were OK. We're supposed to get 2 days more heavy rain starting tomorrow noon but the ground is already saturated and the rivers already running high this time so it's probably going to be worse. At least we're not dealing with bushfires.

We had a storm pass thru yesterday, nothing that bad though, but we also got a lot of rain with it.
And it is still raining a little.

I notice these little things now as i no longer have a TV, that i gave to my friend as a backup for when his TV that display the CCTV feeds go out.


I am not really that big on things that are slammed. but with airbags in so you have the option to be able to drive over a dime on the road and i am okay with it.
My friend got the same, in his case a wooden porch / room add-on to the house, when the wind are right and it rain the water are blown up the slightly slanted roof of the add-on, and then somehow find its way into the brownstone wall.

So i will have to take a look at that this summer.
We will also have to tear down a wood wall in his outhouse, break up about 8 SQM of concrete floor, do the right job in the hole and then put another layer of concrete in.

That will probably also be something i have to do.
this is the ground floor, three bedrooms upstairs have water soaked carpets and it has run down from there and taken out the ceiling, going to be a big one I think
I remember when i was a kid and my grandmothers house burned, or large parts of the top floor at least.
Took quite a while to dry out the ground floor from the "damage" the firemen made.

I can remember me and my parents being there to help, cant recall any of my mothers many siblings being there, i guess my branch of the family are the helpful one.
the other side effect of all the rain is now we have an insurance claim to deal with :oops:

Get it dried out before anything (rot, mould, etc) starts to grow on it, as much ventilation as possible, as many fans as possible (you need air movement for things to dry), then a temporary fix to the roof so that no more water comes in. Only then worry about insurance etc. and getting it fixed. Just because it looks bad doesn't mean it is, most things can cope with a bit of water as long as it is only temporary, and in hot weather temporary can be a very short time before things start to grow.
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