Pics that make you smile

I was busy getting my slaves in order.
Does that comply with the EU rules?

Brussels bureaucrats were ridiculed yesterday after banning drink manufacturers from claiming that water can prevent dehydration.

EU officials concluded that, following a three-year investigation, there was no evidence to prove the previously undisputed fact.
Producers of bottled water are now forbidden by law from making the claim and will face a two-year jail sentence if they defy the edict, which comes into force in the UK next month.
Last night, critics claimed the EU was at odds with both science and common sense. Conservative MEP Roger Helmer said: “This is stupidity writ large.
“The euro is burning, the EU is falling apart and yet here they are: highly-paid, highly-pensioned officials worrying about the obvious qualities of water and trying to deny us the right to say what is patently true.
“If ever there were an episode which demonstrates the folly of the great European project then this is it.”
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Something is up with water for sure, some guy here made millions on bottling it and then sell it extremely expensive.
So as i see it either Danes was already dumb, or he put something in his bottles along with the water to make people dumb.
I only drink water from the tap,or mixed up with a lot of sugar and exotic chemicals most often starting with the letter E- XXX

And i will agree with our oversea brothers on the isle that there are something up with EU too, and one would be smart to remove one self from that.
keep in mind these people don't sell water, (you can get that from a tap whenever you like) they sell plastic bottles
Not just the plastic bottle, but the label with the brand name and the microplastics that you drink (often bits of the bottle and lid manufacture)!
And they generally remove the chlorine or other substances in the tap water that kill bacteria and make tap water safe, tap water is generally safer than bottled water in most developed countries.
I like tap water, even in this little country it taste different some places,,,, of course not major just feel better.
We do have to close wells now and then due to the intensive farming here and the nasty stuff they have used / still use illegal.

It could also just be the fancy smancy name he are selling.

After having been at sea where you pretty much drink the same kind of water as you would put on your car battery, tap water are refreshing.
Generating fresh water from sea water have its drawbacks, one being you leave quite a few minerals in the brine in the fresh water generator ( pretty much just boiling seawater at a low temperature in a vacum )
After having been at sea where you pretty much drink the same kind of water as you would put on your car battery, tap water are refreshing.
Generating fresh water from sea water have its drawbacks, one being you leave quite a few minerals in the brine in the fresh water generator ( pretty much just boiling seawater at a low temperature in a vacum )
Drinking pure distilled water results in death, so the fresh water generators only remove some of the salts, it is reduced salt seawater, not mineral water, the mix of salts is very different to what you would find in a limestone spring. There is a village not far from me where the people on one side of the river used to live into their 90s, on the other side of the river they died in the 30s and 40s. The difference was that the spring on one side of the river comes out of granite rocks and is full of radon gas! You should be careful what you drink, pure water will kill you in hours, any other sort of water is more than just water.
Drinking pure distilled water
I know the freshwater generators dont quite go that far, but apparently far enough that i have been told to take that water and top up Emergency lead acid batteries with it in several ships.
Drinking pure distilled water results in death,
Do you have a reliable source for that? The best I can find is drinking distilled water exclusively can cause a degree of mineral loss that must be made up in some other manner - nothing that even implies that it's fatal.
Do you have a reliable source for that? The best I can find is drinking distilled water exclusively can cause a degree of mineral loss that must be made up in some other manner - nothing that even implies that it's fatal.
It is not much different to drinking sea water, you end up with a salt imbalance in your blood/cells and then the cells in your body can't transfer stuff in and out correctly and the cells stop working - hypotonic-dehydration .

In normal temperatures when you are also eating normally, drinking a small amount of distilled water won't be a problem, your body has mechanisms to keep an exact salt balance, but if you are already dehydrated and drink a large amount of distilled water then it can be very bad news, or fatal if you don't get more salt quickly.

I think my source was a training manual given to me before spending a month working on a research ship out in the middle of the Atlantic. We were advised not to drink too much water since we needed to also take on an amount of salt to replace what was lost through sweating, apparently in those conditions people do tend to go for just water when other drinks would be better.
When you really sweat, like i have working ship engine rooms, then you have to eat salt tablets and on a average work day ( work hours ) i consumed something like 8 liters of water at least and a couple liters of soda.
You are pretty much drinking every chance you have.
I even had my water bottle with me to the toilet so i had water going in one end and whatever going out the other end at the same time. but really the cold water fountains in the control room are the best, though it can also be too cold, at least to splash on your forehead as that just feel like a sledgehammer so that's not something you repeat.

If you don't you will soon be on your back with severe dehydration and if lacking salt it start with soer muscles / stiff joints and from there it only get worse.

And i don't think the salt tablets are there to compensate for the lower mineral content in the generated freshwater.

O and getting your sweat in the eyes, which you do all the time, well that stuff burn really bad, i used a makeshift Bjorn Borg headband, which you have to wring now and then, and used shorts and T shirt for work clothe.
And i don't think the salt tablets are there to compensate for the lower mineral content in the generated freshwater.
I think the freshwater generator is supposed to produce a correct salt content for drinking, it actually produces somewhat salty water, but there is a salinity meter on the output which sends some of it back for double distillation, so that what finally exits is a mix of single and double distilled water which should be correct. Definitely better for batteries than sea water, but better to use proper battery water!

People eat salt tablets in very hot conditions even if they are not on a ship, it is because sweat is particularly salty so you lose a lot of salt in the sweat and it has to be replaced otherwise things go wrong very fast, your body doesn't keep a large salt reserve.
yep i never eaten those tablets working the deck, though it can also be drop dead hot there.
But on the deck if you dont move much you are usually good, in my case standing guard over the fule connection while we got fule on board, VS in the engine room where you sweat like a pig just standing around with your hands in the pockets.
A plastic bag filled with ice on your head and little holes poked in it, and a trip now and then to the duty mess to smoke a cigarette and restock on ice cubes, and it was all dandy,,,,,, while people drop with dehydration on the bunker barge as their aircon did not work. ( Oman )
You can't beat good well or spring sourced water for health and hydration :cool: The problem is that most springs and wells aren't tested so you don't know what you're getting :( Unless I'm stuck with limited options I will not buy bottled water- instead I'll buy a sports drink then refill the bottle with water from a clean source, reusing that bottle until it begins leaking. Maybe this makes more 'microplastics' but it's got to be better than wasting money on what I can get for free and making dozens of single-use bottles when one will do equally well. Water isn't your only source of minerals and electrolytes so in hot climates you don't benefit as much from sports drinks and such as youi might think as long as you're eating a healthy and proper diet too. Your body processes water faster and better than any other fluid, thousands of years of evolution has brought this about and any improvements you can make in the fluids you drink aren't going to do much in changing that.

There are only 3 places in Denmark where i would drink running water in the nature.
All of them are pretty near to eacother in rebild where we Danes do july 4 every year.

Big and little blue spring ( top the big one )
And raven spring ( bottom )

Do you have a reliable source for that? The best I can find is drinking distilled water exclusively can cause a degree of mineral loss that must be made up in some other manner - nothing that even implies that it's fatal.
dangerous stuff :P

Dihydrogen monoxide:

  • is also known as hydroxyl acid, and is the major component of acid rain.
  • contributes to the greenhouse effect
  • may cause severe burns.
  • contributes to the erosion of our natural landscape.
  • accelerates corrosion and rusting of many metals.
  • may cause electrical failures and decreased effectiveness of automobile brakes.
  • has been found in excised tumors of terminal cancer patients.
Despite the danger, dihydrogen monoxide is often used:

  • as an industrial solvent and coolant.
  • in nuclear power plants.
  • in the production of styrofoam.
  • as a fire retardant.
  • in many forms of cruel animal research.
  • in the distribution of pesticides. Even after washing, produce remains contaminated by this chemical.
  • as an additive in certain "junk-foods" and other food products.
jokes aside whether distilled or tap water you can still die from excessive consumption, pretty much like anything if taken in excess can kill you
