Pics that make you smile


Abort Abort. Humans have figured out we're more intelligent than they suspected!
hehe Language don't bother me.

A week or two ago a kid and his friend was stoking a hay burning furnace on a farm managed to do it wrong, and shortly after that there was a back draft explosion blowing a barn door off and it hitting one of the young kids, and hurting him pretty bad.
This issue was also drilled into us again and again when i got my smoke diver education, which all Danish sailors must have along with a CPR course.
Quite a few of my fellow wanna be smoke divers got rubber legs, either from crawling / feeling thru the maze in darkness and smoke, or putting out fires where temperatures was in the several hundred degrees C, and you need to cool the walls first before you open the door to put out the room.
And some of the guys would empty 2 tanks of air before i got to change mine the first time, and i tell you in 1989 my form or stamina was pretty lousy too.

Also got to try a gas fire last time i got my smoke diver course refreshed ( must do that every 4 years ) when i 4" pipe are venting natural gas as whatever its pressure is and its burning,,,,,, it take a dedicated man to tackle it.
2 of the guys also said,,,, "O hell no" and failed the course right then and there.
Really its not dangerous if you do what you are told, but apparently some people cant see past the roaring ( and really i mean ROARING ) sound and the huge ass flames, heat wasent even that bad on that job as you of course don't attack a burning gas fire head on, you sneak up on the sucker and suffocate it and then turn off the gas when you can reach the valve.

Danish sailors learning about fire.

Danish sailors putting out fire.


Now go get it !


Aaaa the sweet memories :geek:
Sulphur, LA? You better redneck-ognize!
LOL. Those people do really get creative. It is amazing the kind of stuff you see on marketplace around that area.