Pics that make you smile

Well it is not "Pepe the little mule"

December in Denmark have been the darkest one in 60 years, the sun have only been visible for 16.4 hours the whole month.
December in Denmark have been the darkest one in 60 years, the sun have only been visible for 16.4 hours the whole month.
Not a great month for solar power here either, good for hydro, but that probably doesn't work well in Denmark!
only one hydro plant i am aware of here, and it are a big problem for trout and salmon in the biggest river here, so IMO should be demolished ASAP.

only one hydro plant i am aware of here, and it are a big problem for trout and salmon in the biggest river here, so IMO should be demolished ASAP.

Don't you have fish ladders in Denmark? Here in Vermont for example, we have numerous hydro-power dams along the Connecticut River and they have fish ladders to facilitate the migration of salmon and other species up the river for spawning.
Don't you have fish ladders in Denmark? Here in Vermont for example, we have numerous hydro-power dams along the Connecticut River and they have fish ladders to facilitate the migration of salmon and other species up the river for spawning.
For hydro systems with small drops like that one, we have been using archimedes screws to generate the power, the fish can swim up those.


For hydro systems with small drops like that one, we have been using archimedes screws to generate the power, the fish can swim up those.


We have those too but the hyrdro-dams along the Connecticut River between Vermont and New Hampshire are mostly of older vintage and have different requirements. The nearby Vernon Dam for instance is a concrete gravity dam comprised of a 600-foot-long overflow spillway with six tainter gates, ten hydraulic panels, three stanchion bays, and three sluiceways and was first licensed in 1945. The fish ladders came later (in the 1970s) to remediate the issue of fish migration that was not considered a concern in previous decades.

Also nearby is the Great Falls Dam in Bellows Falls, Vermont which is another (larger) gravity dam which went online in 1943. The river is quite a sight at high flow at that location! Some of the fish ladders at these locations have observation windows where you can go below waterline and watch the fish making their way up river up close and personal and that is quite a sight too!


Bellows Falls was/is an old industrial town and railroad hub and it's a great place to visit if you are into vintage trains and locomotives. You can see some old train cars in the photo below but they are parked over in New Hampshire not in the railroad yards on the Vermont side of the river which has the feel of a railroad museum even though it is very much still active.


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We have indeed, but the fish ladders here dont seem to work.
The salmon stock in that river actually died out all together, what is there now are a mix of various Atlantic salmon, and even those are needed to constantly be caught and stripped off eggs ASO so they can grow up artificial.
Even if it have been many decades the stock are not self reproducing in useful numbers.

In the #2 largest river here, the salmon as also thought to have died out, but a handful managed to survive in a 1/8 milt stretch of some little side canal, to the Skjern river salmon are still the original stock.
A friend posted this and I actually smiled.
Hope you will as well.
Happy and healthy New Year, Friends!
Here are 12 things to consider as we get closer to closing the door on one of the strangest years of our lifetime. Some are pretty funny:
1. The dumbest thing I ever bought was a 2020 planner.
2. I was so bored I called Jake from State Farm just to talk to someone. He asked me what I was wearing.
3. 2019: Stay away from negative people. 2020: Stay away from positive people.
4. The world has turned upside down. Old folks are sneaking out of the house & their kids are yelling at them to stay indoors!
5. This morning I saw a neighbor talking to her dog. It was obvious she thought her dog understood her. I came into my house & told my cat. We laughed a lot.
6. Every few days try your jeans on just to make sure they fit. Pajamas will have you believe all is well in the kingdom.
7. Does anyone know if we can take showers yet or should we just keep washing our hands?
8. This virus has done what no woman has been able to do. Cancel sports, shut down all bars & keep men at home!
9. I never thought the comment, “I wouldn’t touch him/her with a 6-foot pole” would become a national policy, but here we are!
10. I need to practice social-distancing from the refrigerator.
11. I hope the weather is good tomorrow for my trip to the Backyard. I’m getting tired of the Living Room.
12. Never in a million years could I have imagined I would go up to a bank teller wearing a mask & ask for money.
Happy Holidays to all and here’s hoping for a Happier New Year
You can not do #12 in Denmark, there are no money in our banks, only the ATM machine outside, also where they prefer you do deposits if you are that kind of person.
TBH most places do not have money anymore, at best they have some machine connected to the cash register that they then slide money into and burp out smaller bills and coins come in a little tray.

Fun fact there are more cash circulating this year than ever, and even mobilepay have spiked too
Right away my mind fell on American politics.

This was posted by a family member whose grandmother knew the girls involved.



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