Pics that make you smile

Every Country and every state or province would require quarantine. Landing in Canada or Alaska would have quarantine for each stop. Then going by dogsled to the north pole would take to long.

You mean, you really want to subject a whimsical, avuncular and reassuring message from Dr. Fauci directed to small children at Christmas time during a pandemic to this sort of bizarre critical analysis and "explanation"? It is hard to know how to respond to such an attitude without saying something unkind so I'll leave it to others to reach their own conclusions. :(
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You mean, you really want to subject a whimsical, avuncular and reassuring message from Dr. Fauci directed to small children at Christmas time during a pandemic to this sort of bizarre critical analysis and "explanation"? It is hard to know how to respond to such an attitude without saying something unkind so I'll leave it to others to reach their own conclusions. :(
To be reassuring Fauci could have said Santa was inoculated and thereby immune and incapable of getting or transmitting the virus. He could have said that Santa having lived to be hundreds of years old has an immune system that can not be compromised. I still want some logic from these guys.
Winter solstice i assume, this do seem to have been celebrated by ancient man before the son of that mythical person came about.
This year it was December 21 so only a few days off

Or of you go all Sheldon Cooper on it.
Winter solstice i assume, this do seem to have been celebrated by ancient man
This year the covid meant the celebration had to be online, much better without the crowds, but the sun still didn't appear!

What it should be like:

Ireland did a covid live stream this year too:
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Yeah i think it is fair to assume Fred and Barney and their families was neolithic, so this mean the tail end of the stone age and around 12000 years ago, up here in the north for us cave men the neolithic lasted to around 1700 BC
Even by then we Danes was pretty simple folks, compared to what other folks did elsewhere at the same time, things like farming allso took its sweet time before it filtered up here to us simple folks, and now it is a science here and where farming came from are,,,,,,,, i dunno something lesser in many aspects.

Maybe not something people in such young countries think about ;) you could argue north America was neolithic up until we went over there, though i must also admit that what,,,, someone build further south in the Americas, mess with my mind so much, and so those sites are of course also on my travle bucket list.

The National TV here did a nice 10 part series on the history of Denmark from way back when the first stone age - hunter gather people came here and up until today, sadly it is only available on their own site and to my knowledge not international available.
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To be reassuring Fauci could have said Santa was inoculated and thereby immune and incapable of getting or transmitting the virus. He could have said that Santa having lived to be hundreds of years old has an immune system that can not be compromised. I still want some logic from these guys.

"These guys"? Who the hell do you mean by "these guys"?

We've specifically been discussing Dr. Anthony Fauci who has served with distinction as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases under six presidents going back to Ronald Reagan in 1984, He is the recipient of countless awards and honors including the Presidential Medal of Freedom given to him by George W. Bush, is credited for breakthrough discoveries, disease treatments and protocols throughout his distinguished career and with helping the nation to navigate and understand numerous public health crises and disease outbreaks over the last 36 years ranging from HIV, to Ebola, to West Nile Virus, MERS, H1N1 - the 2009 swine flu epidemic and now COVID-19.

But you want "some logic from "these guys"? ......because Dr. Fauci made up a little story about traveling to the North Pole to give Santa Claus the COVID-19 vaccine as a way of reassuring small children that Santa would be able to safely deliver toys and gifts to them on Christmas Day during a pandemic?

What on earth is the bleeping matter with you?!!! Who are you, the Grinch? Scrooge?

Apparently, you've never had children of your own and have no experience being around them or maybe you would understand the need to comfort and reassure small children during times of anxiety, stress and uncertainty that they do not fully understand. Sometimes telling an innocent white lie is required during times like this to make a small child feel that life is safe and normal.

This kind of attack against someone like Dr. Fauci for making a reassuring remark for children at Christmas time is yet another example of Fox News style right-wing political grievance carried to absurd extremes. Very sad to witness. :(:mad:
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To be reassuring Fauci could have said Santa was inoculated and thereby immune and incapable of getting or transmitting the virus.

Just to be clear, that is exactly what he said. Apparently, you haven't been paying attention.

"I went there and I vaccinated Santa Claus myself. I measured his level of immunity, and he is good to go.” - Dr. Fauci
I have it from reliable sources that Dr. Fauci do a mean Tango, and his Rodney Dangerfield parodies are second to none. :LOL:
I have it from reliable sources that Dr. Fauci do a mean Tango, and his Rodney Dangerfield parodies are second to none. :LOL:
Apparently, he also has a reputation as a pretty good cook. Fauci turned 80 years old on Christmas Day.

Here he is 6 years ago suiting up to personally treat an Ebola patient. He wanted to show his staff he wouldn't ask them to do anything he wouldn't do himself.

That last one,,,,,,, sadly it is somewhat true in Denmark.
Though it is not the taxes, but rather the difference between welfare and a unskilled job, not least if you add in a kid or two, though now you only get a bonus for the first 3 kids as i think it is.

Another of those many little embarrassing things being a Dane.