Pics that make you smile

Get me a Tavor TS-12 and i am game :) i feel like 2 X 5 00 Buck and and 5 frag 12 if it get hairy, thats a nice load out.
That said in my family no one have a gun, i think the few hunters are dead now, and still no abusing here, though some can dish out some bad style and so family i do not see or interact with.
I have not fired the shotgun i am not supposed to have in decades, it is in storage awaiting the zombie apocalypse.
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The family who plays together like this is not a family that abuses each other.

View attachment 55029

That's an absurd conclusion! I've been avidly shooting trap, skeet and sporting clays for many years and while shotgun sports are indeed often a popular family activity, you'll see the whole spectrum, just like everything else in life. Guns have nothing to do with it.

I'll tell you one thing, the particular family in this photo is likely to eventually have a different serious problem if they don't bother to use hearing protection.

Edit: I'm guessing that the folks in the photo don't like to wear COVID face masks either.
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I'll tell you one thing, the particular family in this photo is likely to eventually have a different serious problem if they don't bother to use hearing protection.
That picture is from 2018 in pre covid times. I assume they used foam ear plugs which are invisible protection unlike the mickey mouse type.
I'll tell you one thing, the particular family in this photo is likely to eventually have a different serious problem if they don't bother to use hearing protection.

Absolutely true. Likely a large part of my hearing loss was my rangetime, some of which was sans muffs or plugs :( Most shooting ranges now require you use both plugs AND muffs- something I now agree wholeheartedly with (y) Nothing quite sucks like being with people you'd love to talk with but you can't because you can't hear a d@mn thing anymore :cry:

That picture is from 2018 in pre covid times. I assume they used foam ear plugs which are invisible protection unlike the mickey mouse type.

The picture makes it abundantly clear that none of them were wearing any form of hearing protection -- you could hardly have a better angle to determine this. Additionally the guy throwing the skeet looks a little too close and somewhat in front of the girl with the shotgun, that's not just bad form its dangerous. Hopefully no one was killed in the making of this wonderful family outing.

It is like the picture of the girl soldering, but holding onto the hot tip of the soldering iron.
The worst part is most times these pass right by people, not that i expect people to know everything, but some of the stuff you see are pretty far out.
In this dashcam field i especially dislike the use of the same picture, with the one made a little blurry, and then it is our camera ( good picture ) competition camera ( blurred picture )
And the picture are not even from a dashcam, more likely a DSLR camera.
It do not take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.
Watching a 2020 2 part DOKU called "Laurel Canyon", where many bands hang out in the old days.
Nice stuff well worth the time, and you get a few trips down memory lane from the music.

Also today i learned that WD-40, well it was invented for use on Atlas intercontinental missiles.
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I know we have all tried to solve this one.





Did you know, some engines can actually run just fine at 0 RPM....... yep i am not kidding.
