Pics that make you smile

No as a English speaking nation you probably see the most attention.
I think it must be much less even if you live in a country with a huge population, dont think Indians scam Indians too ?
First northern world problems. :)

COP programs over here in "scandi" are something else.

Wonder what goes through the mind when deciding that that is the sticker you want on the back of your truck?
Okay ! Thats the end of US wars around the world then, Danish politicians will love that as we then can lay off half of our 10,000 strong army and spend the money on Quran schools in Somalia, and jungle gyms in the Arabian desert.
"Hey boss, I cut it twice and it's still too short." :ROFLMAO:

"Nail it up anyway- the painter's got plenty of caulking." :eek:

The Oresund bridge between Denmark and Sweden have lit up in the colors of the 2 handball VC finalists, and will be lit like this for the entire match.
After the match the light - colors will all be either red / white ( Danish ) or yellow / blue / Sweden )

BTW these 2 countries in history are some of the countries that have been at war with each other for the longest time,,,,,, just another of those Scandinavian miracles.
Now we sort our problems in a more civil manner. (y)

Edit: well we try to if EU dont make us look like bullies and thugs.

Funny fact:

The score board at the game might well read SWE - DEN, which are not so good for us Danes.
but the letters not used on the score board is DEN - MARK :unsure:

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It is what it is,,,,,, red - white,,,,, and no blue power. :)

That means:
"if you think you're smarter than the previous generation, think that 30 years ago, in the car manual, they taught you how to adjust your cleats, now it writes not to drink the antifreeze".


  • tacheti.jpg
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Record setting 18 YO Danish punk.

So back in early January this kid with a brand new license borrowed his dads car, and that turned out to be a right old mess. :rolleyes:

Cops caught on to him doing well over the 130 km/h speed limit on the motorway, they then set after him, and thats when it really went sour.
So in the following minutes driving around 37 km on various roads, the kid raked up fines for a total of 130.000 DKkr ( 29.095 USD )
And this are with the relaxed current rules, much stricter rules for what we call insanity driving are on the way, which among other things is going 100 % over the limit, and the kid did that 10 times.
The new rules would also have meant his dads car would have been taken ( permanently ) and also jail time for the punk kid, but sadly those new rules are not in effect just yet.

It will probably be 10 years before the kid can go take the driving test again and get a license. :)

I hope the police dashcam footage get released, it was all filmed of course. :giggle:
Record setting 18 YO Danish punk.

So back in early January this kid with a brand new license borrowed his dads car, and that turned out to be a right old mess. :rolleyes:

Cops caught on to him doing well over the 130 km/h speed limit on the motorway, they then set after him, and thats when it really went sour.
So in the following minutes driving around 37 km on various roads, the kid raked up fines for a total of 130.000 DKkr ( 29.095 USD )
And this are with the relaxed current rules, much stricter rules for what we call insanity driving are on the way, which among other things is going 100 % over the limit, and the kid did that 10 times.
The new rules would also have meant his dads car would have been taken ( permanently ) and also jail time for the punk kid, but sadly those new rules are not in effect just yet.

It will probably be 10 years before the kid can go take the driving test again and get a license. :)

I hope the police dashcam footage get released, it was all filmed of course. :giggle:

A legend in his own time! I wonder what he will do for his next act? :smuggrin:

Reminds me of the kid down the road from me whose parents sent him out for his first solo drive ever after getting his license and he ended up smashing into the 250 year old maple tree at the corner of my driveway because he was driving way too fast. Luckily the tree is nearly five feet in diameter and all that happened was a ding in the bark. Happily the kid was ok too.