Pics that make you smile

This is not edited at all, that is like that in the actual movie.

Hehe the old timers had to pull out all the stops for movie effects, today they have something called silent props, cuz apparently you can not have a crackling paper bag in a movie today, if thats to be there it will be put during in post by sound FX guys, and then its probably not the sound of a paper bag we get to hear.

It is indeed a strange new world we live in.

My friend who is even weaker in math than i am, i had to bring out paper and ruler to explain him radius and diameter, and pi,,,,, i tried but in the end it just became " that magic number 3.14 " and then " yeah i dont get it either, but thats how it is"
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My almost permanent ironic smile.

So last week a old guy got a scan ( MRI i assume ) then this week he got a letter that the result of his scan he is invited to hear about the results,,,,, in October 2022, so lets hope he dont have cancer.
I swear you cant make stuff like this up, and i swear the majority of Danes, they have to be drugged with something, cuz NO sane person can be that complacent and take BS like that.

Another guy got some problems with his hand, last week he got a letter that a doctor will be ready to take a look as his hand in April 2024.

Sort of related, a few days ago a guy was waiting for a train, when a guy seemingly very very drunk fall onto the train tracks, so the guy of course jumped into action, but many other there just looked at the thing transpiring and did absolutely nothing, so the guy single handed had to get the drunk idiot off the train tracks, if i had done that i would have walked around to everyone there and verbally and physically assaulted every GD idiot there on the platform.

I swear i have no clue what the hell go on here, it is like i wake up in some twisted parallel universe.
The dog do have that beetlejuice feel to it. :)

you may have seen this.

It is from here in Denmark, the Range Rover evoque ( AX18728 ) was regged frist time January 13 - 2012

TBH i dont think it is a sensor trigger, the rear hatch seem to open before anything get near the rear hatch, but as it is a auto open it of course open all the way when it can, and as car washes here are in viking mode it do not stop even if i assume it must have felt a severe extra load.
So probably user error,,,,,,, which would in no way surprise me.

BTW a car like this with Danish taxes,,,,,,, OMG expensive.
A cassette tape with Lennon and yoko ono have surfaced at a auction here and also sold for 300.000 DKkr, lennon play 2 numbers solo on the tape one of then a un - released number.
And then there is a lot of talking as this was him visiting fellow hippies here in the 1970.

I had to share this because it creased me up....
Drunk Turkish man goes missing

This is a very recent story of a Turkish man who was drinking with some friends and when he got drunk he went for a walk. After the man failed to return his friends with the authorities started searching for him. The man then returned, saw his everyone searching and joined them in the search unknown what they were searching for. It was only a while later that someone called out his name and he said 'I'm here'!! :ROFLMAO:
No intention whatsoever to be ethnically, racially, or culturally insensitive.


Pythagoras theorem states that for all right-angled triangles, 'The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides'.

The hypotenuse is the longest side and it's always opposite the right angle.
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Okay so i am not the only one, i was putting it down to my ill proficiency with the English language, did not even think about math, which for me is even more lacking.
Some of us are mathematically challenged and need help to get this.

Okay so i am not the only one, i was putting it down to my ill proficiency with the English language, did not even think about math, which for me is even more lacking.
Sorry about that. I meant to put the spoiler in originally but got ahead of myself. It's just a (really?) bad pun - as most puns are.