Pics that make you smile

Sorry about that. I meant to put the spoiler in originally but got ahead of myself. It's just a (really?) bad pun - as most puns are.

It's funny how it works, but I got the pun right away, so the spoiler seemed kind of superfluous and so for some strange reason the spoiler almost spoiled it for me, like when someone starts explaining a joke when nobody laughs. :confused:
Okay so i am not the only one, i was putting it down to my ill proficiency with the English language, did not even think about math, which for me is even more lacking.

You know man, as someone who joined the forum only weeks before you did eight years ago I am amazed at how much your English language skills, vocabulary and grammar have improved. With the exception of the occasional misspelled or mangled word I now consider you completely fluent, especially compared to when you first joined the forum. You deserve a lot of credit. (y)
You know man, as someone who joined the forum only weeks before you did eight years ago I am amazed at how much your English language skills, vocabulary and grammar have improved. With the exception of the occasional misspelled or mangled word I now consider you completely fluent, especially compared to when you first joined the forum. You deserve a lot of credit. (y)
It's funny how it works, but I got the pun right away, so the spoiler seemed kind of superfluous and so for some strange reason the spoiler almost spoiled it for me, like when someone starts explaining a joke when nobody laughs. :confused:
I understand what you're saying. My concern is/was that not everyone would be familiar with the theorem. I changed the caption on the spoiler to avoid man 'splaining as much as possible.
I understand what you're saying. My concern is/was that not everyone would be familiar with the theorem. I changed the caption on the spoiler to avoid man 'splaining as much as possible.

I don’t think any rational person would get offended by that, after all it is a joke.

What I’m wondering though is how did the squaw manage to get a a hippopotamus hide assuming squaw means North America [emoji3]
Hehe it is okay, i do not suffer from FOMO, nor do i have the idea i understand / must understand everything.
I don’t think any rational person would get offended by that, after all it is a joke.

What I’m wondering though is how did the squaw manage to get a a hippopotamus hide assuming squaw means North America [emoji3]
It's not the rational people who get offended. :rolleyes:

You're mostly correct about the definition of 'squaw'. Historically it meant 'Native American wife or woman'. In current society it's generally considered to be 'offensive', thus my disclaimer.
It's not the rational people who get offended. :rolleyes:

You're mostly correct about the definition of 'squaw'. Historically it meant 'Native American wife or woman'. In current society it's generally considered to be 'offensive', thus my disclaimer.

Well, technically it is offensive to indigenous peoples in North America, especially when used by non-natives. It is an ethnic and sexual slur. The word does not exist an any Native American language except as an obscure morpheme in a longer word in Algonquin that means something else. So, basically it is no different than any other slur used by one race or culture to describe members of another race or culture.
You will have to work hard to offend me, one thing that for sure will do it is to claim you are better than me, and not be willing to prove it.
I fully understand there are millions of people out there better than me at something or more things, but for instance people claiming to be a better man than me as a result of the religion they follow, that i will have to raise my voice about, at least if they go public with such a atrocious claim.
What people sit at home think i have no problems with, i am sure on some things i also have too high expectations on something i can do.
For instance it is my firm belief that those race drivers,,,,,, well give me a car like they have and a couple of tanks of gasoline to get the feel, and i am sure i can do just as good.
And that are probably not the case, but i am going to give my all if i get the chance thats for damn sure, and i will not accept silent defeat on this matter.

Jokes - pictures and what not can not offend me, but there are probably some that will trigger my gag reflects, or i just plain do not think is funny.

Which is probably also why a few entries of mine in this post have been deleted by admins,,,,,,,, which is also totally okay i just wish people would have called on me first and given me the chance to delete my post.
Jokes about my country or culture i cant get offended by, most of them are probably made by Danes as we have a high level of self irony.

one of our famous comedians and actors who have long ripped on our queen, he have done that live in front of her too, and on his last performance as the queen a few days ago,,,,,, the real queen dropped by unannounced.
Shows what a sheltered life I’ve lead, I didn’t know that squaw was regarded as a racial slur, learn something new everyday [emoji106]
Shows what a sheltered life I’ve lead, I didn’t know that squaw was regarded as a racial slur, learn something new everyday [emoji106]

There are many similar examples in modern society. Essentially, words and names that may be offensive to certain ethnic populations are so embedded in our culture that they become normalized over time, except to the people who are the objects of those epithets. The fact that the word "squaw" was basically a made up term invented by white Anglo-Americans tells us everything we need to know about why the term would be offensive to Native-Americans. We all simply became enured to the word "squaw" from all the countless Westerns and Cowboy movies , books and TV shows we've seen over the decades. And for the most part, until recently, Native-Americans were almost always depicted as savages in entertainment media.
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Well i have read a great deal of the history & fate of the native Americans, it was one of my favorite things for many years during school to read about to pass time while there.
And if i was to pin my own name to them it would be "the real Americans" just like i call us current Danes for " the descendants of the sick and slaves left behind as the real Danes got the hell out of dodge"

Around 1900 America made a formal complaint to us Danes, as we have made it a habit of giving criminals and other outsiders a 1 way ticket to America or elsewhere.
And i cant blame them after seeing a TV doku on the types of people that got that offer, just prove to me already then our leaders was in no way geared for problem solving, but more problem hiding.
You have to pounce when you get the chance, otherwise you never get anywhere.

Some people are just on a whole other page.

A 6 million year old LOL

Travel is to live.
This time my smile of irony.

So this Guy from Norway ( originally from Iraq ) got a nice Lamborghini Huracán in Germany , price 2 mill Dkkr / 310.500 USD.
Problem is on the way home thru Denmark he did 236 kmh on a motorway with a 130 kmh limit, as a result of this his car are now confiscated.
So he got to 20 KM from the ferry to Norway, but he had to walk the rest of the way to the ferry and i assume home on the other side.

Personally i think this is hilarious :ROFLMAO:

EDIT: the car in the case.

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In Denmark you will know when your service are no longer needed in the work place.
