Pics that make you smile

Here a land line cost more than a mobile solution.
In regard to the social aspect, then i agree on that is how it have become, but i also feel it is sick - bordering insane, i strictly keep my social life off the phone, so i would not TXT a happy birthday to any of the few people i wish that for, i will say that to their face when i see them, even if it is a month or two after their birthday.
But all in my family minus my old mother and father are on social media, and are probably severely infected by that decease.

Even if i have now carried a phone again close to a decade, i cant say i have become more of a fan of them, and ATM my goal still are to become phone free again when my mother die.
At least that is how i feel, but it might still change, i have flip flopped on things before.

I am so glad people do not call me or text me much, though texts i am much better mentally equipped to handle.

By your own admissions about your social life and the fact that you don't have a job or a business you are by far not the average cell phone user. Still, I can empathize with your thinking and limit my cell phone use in various ways, especially in regard to social media.
Hehe i often fall of the grid, or find myself outside the box. :) This can be good or bad for me personally or the persons that have to deal with me in some way.
Anyone that have my number know to call me ASAP if it is something real and i can be of assistance, just dont expect me to pick up at night cuz my phone are muted when i sleep.
Most can also tell now if they talk too much on the phone, cuz then i get off my char and start to pace back and forth in my apartment, and then they know it is time to end the call, even if i am polite enough to listen to more BS for another 30 minutes if need be.

I am of course also social in some way in here, but i can never be that to the same level as with my 1 friend or the family i see, and that level is my favorite level, which i also wish could extend to some people on the internet, but distance just make it so i cant go there even if i want to.
Some people who work with phones all day long have no desire to deal with phones after work ends.
hehe that would also be a good example, i can assure what i did in my dream job i did not even want to do after work,,,,,, aside for sleeping cuz in that job in winter i could sleep 6 hours during a 17 hour work day and get paid for that.

Hence i call it my dream job, i would also still be in it if it had not been disbanded in 1996 :cry:
Some people who work with phones all day long have no desire to deal with phones after work ends.

Except that most people want to be available to friends and family after work. Plus, jobs that require "working with phones all day long" usually are on land lines.
Well with my smarts i could work the genius counter at any Apple store :LOL:


Danish spacial forces undertaking a assault on a enemy beach at daytime.


Meanwhile in the great state of Oregon.


Childhood issues i did not have.


There we go, back on track. :)
OMG a daughter,,,,,,,, i get chills down my spine, and i dont have any offspring.
BUT ! my imagination is 100% working, and i have no problem imagine that nightmare.
and i have no problem imagine that nightmare.
It's not a nightmare - it's reality.

There's only 1 difference between a teenage boy and a teenage girl - boys think they're always right, girls know they are.
Some future... now i am even more happy i have not fathered any kids.