Pics that make you smile

Fall back - regroup - rearm - try again.

21 century Sun Tzu
Some times you do wonder how some people manage to land a job ( period ) and often at least i wonder how this particular A hole managed to land this job he or she are clearly not cut out for.
And on the latter, this is often people in high places,,,,, politicians for instance give me that feeling a lot.
BTW i think Denmark have gone full woke now, yesterday i was reprimanded for calling a girl beautiful, and it was not by her or her boyfriend.
I am contemplating cutting 100 % back on compliments and other feel good actions towards other Danes.
Funny how things change, the once pirates of the Carib,,,,, Eeeee North Atlantic and then some, the vikings.
Well they are now hunting pirates, everywhere else in the world it seem, so today's tally in the bay of Guinea is 4 dead Nigerian pirates ( not the prince that some times mail you ) and 1 wounded, and 5 arrested which have been Jailed ( in absentia ) for 13 days.
Now i just hope they are not shipped up here to stand trail and serve their sentence, cuz none of that are cheap, and after serving they have probably earned Danish citizenship.

Danes,,,,, protecting your X mas presents :giggle:
Danes would be really poor Armish people,,,, there have been 2 crashes with horse drawn carts here lately, both deadly for the drivers.
Yesterday in my birth town.


We might well be better at fighting while sitting on top of a horse.
I guess there really is such a thing as too much money / opportunity to make money. :LOL:
hehe yeah.
I think the Aussies have a more relaxed take on the "F" word, here if you stand outside a kindergarten or maybe a school during recess the use of the "F" word might send some Americans into a coma.
I even think the "F" word are in the Danish dictionary now too.

Just looked and yes indeed. :)

1. Swear word to express anger - resentment or surprise, often accompanied by the display of the middle finger.
1a: Used about things that are bad - failed are annoying.
1b. Used as a amplifying word in conjunction with the words who and why

Have been in the Danish dictionary since 2003 as far as i can see.

PS: disclaimer i have no idea how a dictionary work, not in Danish not in English, not in German and not in Swedish and Norwegian, which is the languages i master okay, so while i know the word verbs - nouns and metaphor, then exactly what those and others are, well i never got that far in school.

I just play it by ear, just like i did with the drums back in the day.
Most of Ho Hos will also always be there :)
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haha thats a rather expensive system, and seemingly very little care, at least in regard to installing it and get the best out of it.

You could add it and use it as a PSA for how to not install dashcams, and how important a proper install is.