Pics that make you smile

The police on Fuen here in Denmark just announced that for the rest of the year, they will literally turn their back at crime as they have busted too many criminals :rolleyes:
Of course some are outraged by that statement, but thats probably also as far as that is going to get, my country are ripe with weakness.

On the other hand in the capitol area they probably wont, here last night we saw the 4 shooting in a week, and again a person was killed and one wounded.
That conflict over the drug market seem to be between the Satudarah motorcycle club, and a gang called NNV that are most likely made up of immigrants, though i think so are the MC gang.
My country need a punisher or 10 as no official institution are going to do anything about it ( that will work at least )
Mark play nice,,,,,, and you probably have to, had i lost parcels i would be inclined to go to more extreme measures.
Mark play nice,,,,,, and you probably have to, had i lost parcels i would be inclined to go to more extreme measures.
One of the thieves did at the 18:40 mark. Mark broadcast a message to the box because the battery was getting low. After that, you could hear a bunch of gunshots and the connection went dead. He decided not to try to retrieve that one.
hehe. Yeah the people that have already stopped that low, often they dont mind take it a step further, those are the really tricky ones to have walking around in society :rolleyes:
Nurses are in very short supply here, and the few that are there are only working half time as otherwise they would burn out or look for a new job.
Some !!! do work half time and then the other half of time temp for their own job, with the kicker that as a temp their wage are 2 X
Many hospitals here are just about at levels where some emergency,,,,, something will have to be initiated, and mind you this is nothing corona related, really the problem is at least 10 years old.

My irony button are hit so hard daily, like a 5 ton forklift ramming it at full speed. :rolleyes:
Hunting season memories...

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Now that's funny! don't care who you are.'
So, I hear this is a very charming children's X-Mas book about a tow truck and a snow blower and I am giving serious thought to gifting it to my friend's child because the parents face on Christmas morning would be priceless! :smuggrin:

A Lithuanian guy living and i assume working here, last night he put his company car in a ditch, sporting a 3.5 BAC,,,,,,, which i think for most people would be a dangerous high BAC
4.0 is considered a lethal BAC with a 50 % chance of dying, but already at 3.0 we are talking unconsciousness and possible coma.


He or who ever own the car will now loose it, the guy are also looking at a fine and jail time.
As his job probably entail him having a driving license, well he will probably need to look for a new job, cuz that license are gone.

Not that not having a license stop people, i just read about a 28 YO guy that they impounded the 3 car from this year, he just buy a new one and drive on in spite of increasing fines and i assume jail time.
Apparently he like to do 147 kmh in a 70 zone, not wearing seat belt and driving while intoxicated by alcohol and drugs.

Personally to stop a guy like that i would remove one of his legs at the knee, that should stop him operating a vehicle, if not,,,,,, he have more limbs.
Well imagine this,,,,, maybe your people in elect can take note :LOL:
So Denmark are fast running out of jail cells, and there are no cheap points to score building jails, that you do building bridges - tunnels and energy islands, IE big fancy stuff.
So it now seem like the Danes are ready to close the deal on renting a Jail in Kosovo with room for 300 inmates.

So i assume Kosovo are cool, but some EU countries we can not send criminals back to serve time in their home land as the prison facilities there are sub par for EU and i assume human rights standards,,,,, so why the hell we let those people into our country in the first place i have no idea. and not forget our "gang" called EU.

If i had any faith in my country to loose, here go another bite. :rolleyes::mad:
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Aaaa yes the old Talhoffer test.
Ones beliefs have prompted men and women to do great things and go to great lengths, both in a good way and in some horrible ways.
I am proud to not believe in any deity, and i constantly look for the great people i can tip my hat to, just like i did 10 days ago, on a date that is significant to me even if the event was half way around the world, and long before i came into this world.
Let me see you smash my mailbox now, punks.


Some things you most certainly need to protect, true in the old days, true now.


There is a time for everything, this guy missed it completely.

Great renewal upon us soon.

Some days things just come together.

Not kidding.



That both sound and look right.


All hail bad ass old people.


I bet you have never seen a babylista before.