Pics that make you smile
Indeed, also why i get so infuriated when the law makers here try to law their way around stupid, and the only one suffering from that will be not stupid and smart people, and worst of all they then think it is okay,,,,,WTF
And it make it so immensely hard for me to vote, ever with the wide selection of eligible parties there are on offer in Denmark.
CUZ they are what they are, and they are not making any laws regarding them self, cuz in their mind they are anything but stupid, even if it is so easy to see, even for a not overly smart person.

So for instance.
Some breeds of dogs are illegal here, and they are branded as so called killer dogs, with responsible dog owners hardly any dog breed are a problem.
And you can not carry a pocket knife and surely not a safe one with a blade that lock in place, granted we see daily stabbings almost, but those are not smart people stabbing eachother, it is criminals fighting over drug market and mislpaced concepts of "honor".
And in some rare cases, if someone do something wrong ALL have to suffer from that,,,, but only in some cases, like if the town drunk get caught DUI and get his license taken, your license will not get taken, but is is this exact reasoning they use in other scenarios where your license will then get taken too, as you have one and a car so potentially you could DUI too.

Making it very clear that the people the Danes vote for, dont give a damn about Danes.
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You know when Coca Cola put names on their bottles,,,,,,, well 2 years before that a Danish ad agency came up with that very same idea but putting peoples names on cigarettes of the brand Kings.
And ! Coke was not sued for ripping them off.
Pixar ( and the lot of them not least Disney ) are too woke today to even make a movie like finding nemo.
Yoga chick. ( no not that kind of chick )








I am glad i am not a hunk with problems like this,,,,, truly i am.

Denmark have pretty much adopted any American holiday ( for me unknown reasons ) but not this one,,,,, and i dont mean national gun day.


some rabbit holes, you might go down,,,, if you fit.


Why south African wine dont sell well.

That is a remarkable low window.
And even if his name is Walker, i an sure with feet like that he will trip and fall over every twig on his path.
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Weather here according to the meteorological institute is a few degrees + temperatures,,,,, but why do my car on the CCTV then look like a popsicle on 4 wheels and white instead of red.
Every time someone mention their incompetence, the RPLY is well we measure in 2 M altitude not on the ground,,,,,, why i have no idea i dont want the weather for scaffolding workers.
The meteorological institute are always wrong here, so much so visitors to Denmark also notice this,,,,,, i guess it is another side effect of public funding,,,,, expensive and not working stuff.


Italian design,,,,,,,,, far from Danish design.

You know you just got to do it.



Excuse me ?



It is funny how a expensive sports car, or ditto watch can make a average dude suddenly be a lot more interesting.

I have tried this a few times wearing a ICW watch to town ( many years ago ) even if we was throwing money around and so was popular, when i had the watch on i was noticeable more popular, and even if i in no way was dressed like a ICW wearing person, so casual it would be a problem getting in if we did not know the door men.
Then at the end of the night, when a girl was ready to give it all up,,,,, just say bye and leave,,,,,,, :LOL:
Expectations the curse of man / men.

Actually right now they are talking on TV about a new bilateral military cooperation between Denmark and the US, i hope this mean they will do their best to not embarrasses us more, like use the card blanch access to the Danish internet backbone to immediately spy on our own and various European leaders.
CUZ just cuz you are welcome in another persons house, do not give you the right to rifle through every drawer in the house.