Pics that make you smile

It seems that it's been upgraded since that picture.

The Myth busters have demonstrated the way out of the cement truck with hardened load, but it do require a rather large area getting cleared.
It is also the most spectacular way of getting rid of things, also one of my favorite myth busters episodes.

Couldent they put a chain gang on that problem, i mean a few strong backs hammers and chisels and it should soon just be a empty container.
Though come to think of it chain gang + hammers and chisels,,,, probably not the best combination.
The Myth busters have demonstrated the way out of the cement truck with hardened load, but it do require a rather large area getting cleared.
It is also the most spectacular way of getting rid of things, also one of my favorite myth busters episodes.

Couldent they put a chain gang on that problem, i mean a few strong backs hammers and chisels and it should soon just be a empty container.
Though come to think of it chain gang + hammers and chisels,,,, probably not the best combination.

They could easily just dig a hole with an excavator, push the thing in and bury it.
Nice bit of street furniture :D
Well that comment was just my solution finding nature, i do think it is pretty funny / cool it ended up like that.
It would never fly here of course, maybe that is why i an enticed by it.
They might consider repainting to look like a Space X capsule seeing as NASA are not flying much these days other than dreams.

PS: I am pretty sure Elon would even pay for the paint.
...PS: I am pretty sure Elon would even pay for the paint.
Given his current financial situation (layoffs, non-payment of rents, benefit cuts, etc.) I'm not so sure he would.
That do seem to be the order of the day, saw yesterday that Microsoft will lay off 10.000 people.

In Denmark you dont have to do that people just quit, well at least in some public / government jobs.
Things like nurses and prison officers and many others are in very short supply.
A recent 40 million Dkkr attempt to get more into being prison officer,,,, well it was just a waste of money, 150 - 180 leave every year and at best 50 - 100 new ones come in.

What is even more funny they are building jails as crime are off the hook here, just no one to man those as they can barely keep a emergency manning in existing jails..... LOL

Danes we are truly our own biggest enemy. :sleep:

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Got a good giggle reading the news today ( that do not happen often )

So a 18 YO kid got his license a few months back and a car too a few weeks ago.
But yesterday he was caught doing 197 km/h on a 2 lane highway where the limit is 80, so now he have no license and also no car as that have been confiscated, and of course also a substantial fine to pay. :ROFLMAO:
I wonder if in a few years when he are allowed to retake his driving license, if he will think twice before acting out his need for speed tendencies.

Dunno what car it was, but i have never owned a car that could do 200 KM/h on a flat road, my Opel could do 200 after its own gauge and only downhill with the sun and wind in the back,,,,, and a 3 km run up.

There is a time and a place for everything.


Thats actually not true, the Icelanders did that with some success in the 70ties, the town of Heimaey are still there for that reason.



Well ! Fair warning.
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Indeed. And a whole swarm of them. :)
You might know that Denmark have been a lot bigger in the way back times.
Well here are one of the newer reasons why it is no longer so.

Anyone familiar with the Ice Ultra run in northern Sweden ?
Its pretty easy, you just run 230 KM / 143 miles in snow and what ever conditions above the arctic circle, and trust me even with global warming northern Sweden are no fun these days.
Needless to say much of the race you run in snow shoes,,,,, race shoes of course but still.

Anyway. A little Danish girl just won it, in front of god know how many men and other women.



Actually she ran so fast that the people arranging the race did not account for it, so markings at the end and the finish line was not even set up, so she ran past it, and kept going until someone caught up to her in a snowmobile with her gold medal.

That ! is 100 % bad ass shield maiden stuff right there.

And BTW the last 6 km of the race was covered while wet to the waist and in 2 digit ( deg C ) negative temperatures, as she went thru the ice.
Bu then there actually was a guy with her ( the #2 place winner ) but apparently he was not able to keep up on the last leg.

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