Pics that make you smile

I assume so, but i have no TV and i never owned a VCR or DVD / BR player.

If the weather are OK i might still go to my friends lace to shoot a little on new years, but no single malt then as i am driving, but i could shoot a little and then go to my sisters to get something to eat and watch a little TV before i go home.
X- mas will be at my nieces place, but the big question is can we get mom / grandma up the 3 steps to get into the house, stubborn old lady insist we try, but it might mean i get her, somehow shoehorn her into my car drive there, and then if no go drive home again, and then i sure as hell are not going to drive the same route 1 more time.

I am having family issues, my mother call her grandkids, but they do not pick up,,,,,,, considering what she have dont for them,,,,,,,,, i am a bit offended CUZ its not like she will talk for hours on end.

It would be nice if i was able to ask less of my self, and as a consequence of that also ask less of others,,,,, would make my life so much easier.
A perfect blending for fans of star wars and the muppets.

Well right now a few men,,,, burly Danish men, are getting pulled on sleds around northern Greenland by dogs, thats a gig if you bring a cat to it, you and the cat will be dead in a few days.
But for us couch potatoes ii can relate.

You are so far from anything, that if you had a accident, no one will hear you scream when you realize that in a few days you will be a human icicle.

It is a bit funny.
The reason we Danes have people running around up there ( northern Greenland ) is ( i think it was the UN ) but it is because if you want to make claim on some land, well you also have to have feet on the ground there on a regular bases.
And that sound reasonable to me.
BUT ! Then i do not understand why Taiwan are not recognized as a nation, CUZ no Chinese patrolled that to make any claim there or in any other way done squat for Taiwan, so why the UN and others do not recognize Taiwan as a nation on its own are a mystery to me.

If we disregard that system, then we get people like Russia pretty much claiming that what was once part of the soviet union are still a part of Russia today, and so this mean we Danes should claim large parts if not whole countries that was once ours, in some cases for many 100 years.

But that is of course crazy, we lost those places,,,,, in most cases due to our own inkompetence and stupidity,,,,,, and so we deserve what little we have left and nothing else.
I do not understand why Taiwan are not recognized as a nation, CUZ no Chinese patrolled that to make any claim there or in any other way done squat for Taiwan, so why the UN and others do not recognize Taiwan as a nation on its own are a mystery to me.
The simple reason is those countries do not want to upset China. Merely accepting Taiwan as its own country could possibly lead to war and no one wants to go to war with China.

Who could blame them, we all know how easily china breaks if you drop it. :LOL:
Well i dont think we should bow down for any bully.
And sure as hell not on established standards.

I know Taiwan are like a gold chest for China, and thats also the sole reason if they go there, even if they will say it is to convert their wayward borthers back to the one true ideology which is socialisme. ( well at least according to them )
If i was Taiwanese i think i would very serious think about getting myself, and my company the hell out of there, even if rich people in China are generally treated very well, well at least so long they sing long on the governments tune.
This is a purrfekt reply.

turnip the volume.png

I saw this as a question on Amazon for the VIOFO A119 V3 1440P
Congratulations Argentina! What a final! :D

I didn't have a dog in the fight but picked Argentina to win. Turned out to be a great game, but the only footage of it I've seen is like a 4:57 clip -- I guess it could not be more than five minutes. I'm hoping they post the full game soon. Mbappe gets the golden boot and deserved it, but nice to see Messi hoist the trophy...

O snap.
