Pics that make you smile

Seals ( the animal ) not good as smiling.


This one took me a minute to understand.

Though slightly above average, my grades also never really rocked, mind you aside for my first apprenticeship i never used those, and that was just CUZ it was a government / public employer ( the then National Danish railroads DSB )
Actually mu last job as a machinist, they never asked to see my certificate as a skilled machinist, i can only assume my demeanor as a painter ( also skilled in that ) paved the way, they could just have asked and i would have dropped a stack of papers on the table.
I was expecting to see Danish language on that sign, Danes will, or would CUZ i think cultural enrichment have changed this, but in the sane days Danish pedestrians would stand at a red light at a intersection at 3 in the morning waiting for green light, when there was no car in sight.
You can still see it but generally i think its a done deal, also a reason why i think the American way of right turn on red, it would never work with Danes of today, but the old Danes would have been able to handle it just fine
If Skynet really was Amazon, i would not be surprised.
Apparently, the Chinese have recently introduced an unusual and somewhat sinister looking police vehicle of unknown purpose. It is almost an exact copy of the RT00 Series Group Transport Rover from the 2012 Ridley Scott film Prometheus!

EDIT: I have no clue but I've started to wonder if this story is real or if the image of the Chinese police transport is an AI image. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. If it is true, then the Chinese government or somebody therein probably violated international trademark and copyright laws.



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Our little "garage" band once played in the youth center at the monthly party, all the other guys out of nowhere just walked out on me the drummer, and really after me bashing the skins for 3-4 minutes alone.
I threw down my sticks, went got a beer, and downed it while i gave the other guys the stink eye, and then i left the party.
And when they came and wasted to cut a demo tape, i said sure find another drummer for that then.

Haven't beaten skins or seen most of those guys since then.
Look like people that might have played the Grand old Opry

Stool loosening music, i suppose with enough bass it might work,,,,, also isent there something about a so called " brown note " at the very low end of the sound spectrum ( 1 digit Hz )
Well i had tom tom on a HP PDA many years ago, navigating to a place it sent me on a route the passenger in my car never seen, but i said dont worry this is smart stuff.
And then a little later we was in a area of summer houses all on dead end streets.
I got out of there, drove for a while on dead reckoning, and then my passenger was in familiar waters and road signs also indicated we was sort of where we wanted to be.

Same thing also once sent me across a field towing the trailer with my quad bile on, but fortunately i was in my 4 X 4 pickup so i did not worry all too much, but it was for sure not a road more a farmers dirt track between fields.
Though in all fairness there was a paved road on the other side and i did end up where i expected to end up, just the route there was somewhat alternative.