Pics that make you smile

In the rural area where I live there are constant stories in the newspaper about tourists from out of town getting totally lost in the middle of nowhere because they followed a GPS or Google Maps down some old logging road and ended up stranded deep in the woods and somebody had to come and rescue them. We also have what are called "ancient roads", some of which date back to the colonial era that are no longer in use and don't go anywhere except deep into the forest but somehow Google lists them as actual, active roads. They are nothing more than old dirt trails at this point. And some people just keep driving until they aren't even on a road or trail anymore but just out in the woods among the tress and can't find their way back. Everyone who lives around here knows better than to drive off into the woods on a road that isn't a road but the tourists do it anyway just because their GPS or Google tells them to. :smuggrin:
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Well as long as there are no Deliverance kind of people up in those hills, i al all for getting a little lost now and then.
Fully realizing that lost in the US are completely different from lost in Denmark, actually as it have been seen several times even a deadly affair.


There have also been a few cases of people here driving into some harbour as google maps direct them strait to a ferry ramp that is there alright but the ferry route closed years ago.
It amaze me people are that stupid.
It also amaze me people cant even backtrack if they ventured onto some dead end road.
I like getting into my car and then just drive with the aim of getting "lost" or at the very least drive some roads i for sure have never been onto before, actually did a little of that today using google maps and me intentionally missing a direction change, the damn thing just directed me into a big loop and back to the turn i missed.
But that loop was mainly new to me roads and a little town too.

Really i think nav softwares should go " you are driving close to water be vigilant" now and then when a route take you near suck features of the landscape.
I also think they should " NIX" old tracks like DM mention, at least so they only pop up if you are in walking or bicycling mode, and if it is a dead end road, it should also be mentioned at once you enter it.

But sure some people just can not hack it, my friend is a good example, he can get lost in a dark room.
One night years ago we was driving our little 4x4 RC scale trucks in a forest, and my friend was like " i hope you know where we are CUZ i have no clue"
I was like DUDE ?????? you can hear the water in the creek to our left, which we both know we parked at downstream, so if there is a navigation issue i would just walk to the stream and follow it down to our cars, and we also know the highway bridge we have to passe under just before that, and the little wooden bridge across the creek 100 M or so after we have passed under highway.

By down stream i mean the direction of the water flow, there are really no river in Denmark where you see the water speed up due to drop in altitude.
Also you have to listen for it, there are not really any river here where the water is "white" but even a gentle creek have its sounds, even if its under 1 foot deep and you can jump across it in many places.


That would do it.

A valid angle to customer care.

If my childhood in the 70ties had been just a little bit more dangerous.
Okay this is serious airtime.

Well for the people that know, i would almost also say grand master,,,,,, grand father at least.
Duuuuude dont bogart the blob. :)
Fun fact: They spelled Knowledge incorrectly.
Ill forgive them cuz i also constantly forget that damn D in that word, even if my brain have played with the word and changed it to know ledge, and it is important to know where you ledges are, not least if there are no railing there.
They didn't forget the d, they switched it with the g and spelled it Knowlegde.
That seem Okay, if it had been moved down i would worry.
In the old days Persians tended to deliberate on important matters while they were drunk. They then reconsidered their decisions the following day when they were sober. If it happened that their first deliberation took place when they were sober, they would always reconsider the matter under the influence of wine. If a decision was approved both drunk and sober, the decision held; if not, the Persians set it aside.