Pics that make you smile

Do you think new truck prices are to high?
New trucks did not always cost as much as they do today.

Numbers, say so much.
People are trying to profit by buying toilet paper for resale.
Look it up on craigslist.
$30 for a 6 pack. $50 for a 12 pack.

Snap 2020-03-13 at 12.08.32.png
I was shopping today at 1 in the afternoon, already then i was not able to buy my favorite rye bread, and the number of cars in the lot and people with filled shopping carts was higher than normal.
They have made hoarding rules here now, but i can not see how they will uphold those, only the store can if it have the will and manpower to do that, but no official Danish institution outside of the army will otherwise be able to enforce that.
And yes i did taunt verbally some persons that was clearly hoarding,,,,, and it made me feel good.

Danes think O we are so social and our national coherency are strong,,,,,,,, BS i say when the poo hit the fan its every Dane for him self, just like any other 3 world country.

PS: i did get the milk and few other things i needed though it was also clear that people had been hoarding milk too.
With that much TP, that guy must be a A-hole.
O if i had a girl here, there would be a lot of "tickle - tickle" going on, it would probably show on my online time on this site too.
But ! no girl here :cry:
But we don't want the Danish. :LOL:
I think maybe the cottage owner are anti bleeding heart liberal, cuz in that case you got to have a beef with the Scandinavian countries at least.

If it was easy everyone would do it / if it was easy everyone would be a Dane.
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Mental picture:

People are so paranoid at the moment, you could rob a bank with a booger.
The Joker knows people, he is people.